Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

VOL. 55 No. 9

 (You can read Japan Ministry Outreach Part One and Part Two here.)

We first came to the Japanese Island Okinawa to a meeting in a house in 2003 that would lead to become the church and building for them in the below photo. God blessed in those first meetings and we began to return for small crusades that God richly blessed by saving and healing the people.

While they call us their ‘Spiritual Parents’ and have told us over and over that they would not have the church and the work that they are doing if it was not for us and our ministry to them.

However, Aoki sensei and Yumico sensei have been the real force behind them.

(Sorry for the lack of clarity in some of the photos...)

Site of the ground when the church building will be built.

Aoki sensei and me preaching Christ.

Marge and Yumico sensei sharing the happy Word of the Lord.

The two photos above are some of the leaders as we gathered, prayed, and dedicated the ground breaking
for the church with great faith and prayers.

Pastor Yosico sensei

We worked with Yoshiko Sensei who we ordained to the ministry in 2008 was the pastor. 

Being a woman in Japan and being a pastor she was faced with much opposition.

Yoshiko Sensei Baptizing converts including
her 83 year old mother who now is in Glory.

Marge, Pastor Yoshiko sensei and her mother in service
just before us all going to the China Sea for her baptism.
Earlier ministry and crusades.

Earlier ministry and crusades.

Earlier ministry and crusades.

Prayer and money but much faith in God’s Word that says Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

This was in 2012.

A beautiful shot of church building at night.

The church is located at one of the best views of the town and area. In their area many new homes have been built and area is growing with families. The Lord knew this before they even knew of the large empty piece of land.

Part of the congregation gathered at the main entrance.

Part of the main auditorium showing the sides or of the balconies.

The church and a woman pastor faced great opposition now has the support of other Christian pastors and churches. God turned everything to blessings.  I love how the Holy Spirit can lead people if we permit him to do so.

- Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Psalms 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.

 In the photo to the right, Yosiko sensei and her associate pastor Churnko sense have the church working in many outreaches to win the young, teens, adults and old to our Jesus Christ.

The two photos above have Yosiko sensei with the children singing and praising God
and their choir singing praise in the worship of our great God and Saviour.

 Folks crowd in one of the outreach meetings


They keep reaching out for souls.

All that God has done we give thanks to God and for you that have had a part in prayer, faith and standing with us.


Below is Marge with Pastor Yosico sensei

We thank God for the part He has given us in the Work of Japan.

nvitation pamphlet to the church listing their outreaches.

 (You can read Japan Ministry Outreach Part One and Part Two here.)

God bless you and yours. On behalf of souls,
Tony and Marge Abram

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