Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Vol 52 No 8

Last month we began this report, telling you that it has been 50 years when we first went to Holland and Belgium for 13 Church Planting soul winning Crusades, working with the Johann Maasbach Dutch ministry.  It was so wonderful to see all of Brother Maasbach’s family, not only serving the Lord but in full time ministry. It was good to see Sister Maasbach senior in her 90’s, still active in the ministry.  She reminds me of my mother who did so until almost the end at 99 years of age.

Although we lost some of the photos of this outreach, we still have enough to share here to give God the Praise, Honor and Glory for what He did in these recent outreaches in Holland with my brother Frank and his wife Barbara. In the four photos above and below are photos of our soul-winning ministry now.

The first photo on the left shows my brother, Marge and myself just off the ship with a half ton of mission equipment where we were met by Evangelist Hank den Haring, 50 years ago.

In the second photo Marge is holding two gas lanterns and canned food at her feet which Dutch people brought to the meetings.

The reason that they brought us canned goods is that we were travelling across 7 countries in Europe on our way to North Africa. Our original plan was to work our way, ministering across Europe and North Africa, then East Africa to South Africa in an old Volkswagen Van we purchased for $400.00.  However, the mission ended when we were chased by the Muslims in North Africa. But that is another adventure which we had in our ministry. .

 Hank, myself and Frank playing the same guitar at the same time.
The ministry is still full of joy!!!!

Above are two photos of Marge singing and the other is a Dutch sister who was a teenager when she came to our crusade 50 years ago, still serving the Lord in ministry.  What a privilege to be called by the Lord to this wonderful ministry of winning the Lost to Christ around the world for so many years!  Although the flesh is not so flexible as it once was in our youth, yet the fire of the Calling of God still burns brightly, if not even brighter than ever before. “LORD GIVE US SOULS” is our prayer.

The Dutch Christians seemed to love us then as a young ministry and now they even do so in our senior years. As I look back, I see that up to this time I had been working with T.L. Osborn as his Associate Evangelist and had been involved in International Evangelism. This was the launching and beginning of our own life of Faith and International Ministry and Evangelism to the Nations.

I wrote the in Part One report, that although my brother and I have separate distinctive ministries, we do join together from time to time as God leads us for special salvation and healing outreaches and events.

In the photo above I am endeavoring to lift up Jesus.

My younger brother also began his as well after his marriage to Barb and in photo top right, Frank preaching with his interpreter in Holland.

The two photos left of Marge playing the organ and accordion in some of our early ministry.  I married my wife because first she was spiritual and that God led me to ask her to be my wife and share the calling of God I had with me. 

She could not have been more supportive over the years. As I look at this old photos I also realize that she was very pretty and I still think she is beautiful. I know my brother feels the same way about his wife Barbara. She could not be more supportive than she is to him and their ministry.

Many, if not most of the people that attended our 13 crusades 50 years ago, have gone to their eternal reward. There are some yet alive and serving the Lord. Such as in photo below left Marge with our dear friend, Ann den Haring at the entrance to her apartment.  All four of us stayed in her small apartment and made her home our home base for years.  She was our representative in Europe for many years. Her brother Hank is still our dear friend.

Brother Maasbach praying for Marge and I in our early ministry.

In the next photo left it looks as if Marge is asking Evangelist John Maasbach Jr., “Are you a Dutch giant?”

Of course she is not saying that but sharing her testimony in the meeting.

Bottom photo is from our earlier ministry crusade

God bless you and yours is our prayer. Missionary Evangelists
Tony and Marge Abram


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