Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been preaching the Good News for over 64 years!

Ordination Service Charge for Ministry!
(This outline is guide to conduct an Ordination Service.)
- 2nd Timothy 4:1-5

Intro: Paul charges Timothy to do several things as a faithful minister in 2nd Timothy 4:1-5. This is my charge to you also.

Core: Always preach God's word, always be ready carry the message and understand hardships will come in service to God.

You each have been called to the ministry of GOD.
Since you have surrendered, you have probably already faced difficulties, problems, and doubt.
Some people would look at you say, how can you be called and feel those things.
Think of how Peter felt as he sunk like a stone when he walked on water.
As he lived ashamed for denying Jesus until he surrendered.
Think of how Thomas felt, when Jesus proved him a fool putting his hand in His side.
Think of how James felt, for not believing that his own half brother was not the Messiah until after He arose.
Think of how John felt as he tried to understand the Revelation on Patmos.
Think of Moses felt, as he watched the other rods turn to snakes.
Every one of these men, had to totally lean on God.
None of them did it all the time.
But all of them did it most of the time.
There are going to be times you spend:
Herding sheep, when you're a deliverer.
Herding Sheep when you're a King.
Doubting Jesus instead of Glorying.
Fishing when your are supposed to be an apostle.
Sleeping when you're supposed to be praying.
Worrying about bread instead of looking to the bread of life.
Why, because you are not perfect. Your job is to have people see Jesus, He is perfect,

However, none of these things change your calling-You are set apart by God for the work of the ministry.

I. Paul spoke these words to Timothy as his death was eminently approaching, he said; 2 Tim 4:1 "I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; (2) Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. (3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; (4) And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. (5) But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry."
 A. Paul's first admonition was to "Preach the word of God."
   1. This is mine to you; always preach God's word.
   2. The Greek term means exactly that, "Preach the word," don't just give a talk.
   3. Take God's word and thoroughly proclaim its message.
   4. Never depend on your own strength or understanding but allow the Holy Spirit to speak the word through you.
 B. Be instant is the next admonition.
   1. But understand what being instant means, Paul states to "be instant in season and out of season."
   2. To be instant according to Vine's means to "stand by, be at hand, come on or upon."
   3. Take a stand with God's word.
   4. Whether the truth is received (in season) or rejected (out of season) hold fast the truth as lead by the Holy Spirit. Preach the truth at anytime whether it's popular or not.
   5. Preach the word not about the word. Don't just talk about the word.
 C. Next Paul charges Timothy as I charge you, to Reprove and Rebuke.
   1. Preach the word with conviction (Reprove) or so that it will convict.
   2. (Rebuke) step on a few toes when it is necessary.
   3. Don't fail to let God's word bring conviction of sin.
   4. Don't fail to tell exactly what sin is.
 D. Then Paul charges Timothy and this charge is to you also, "exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine."
   1. Call them near with love to comfort them, after the reproving and rebuking.
   2. With great patience and utilizing the Word of god.
   3. Use loving patience as you minister to God's people.
   4. Teach them God's Word from your experience.

II. Never let the turning away from the truth by people affect your teaching it.
 A. Paul says that sometimes they will no longer endure sound doctrine.
   1. They will even turn away from it.
   2. But you and I and all men of God must stay the course.
   3. We all must keep the faith and preach the truth.
   4. Never turning to fables.
 B. But you must Paul says stay alert, be sober watching for Satan and his attacks.
   1. For he will attack you and this church and any ministry that is faithful to the work of God.
   2. Suffer (Endure) through Evil (Affliction). Learn to roll with the attacks and allow God to give the victory.
   3. There will be hardships, attacks on you, your wife, your home all things will come under attack, but you must persevere in all and keep on serving God.
 C. Paul charges Timothy to "do the work of an Evangelist."
   1. The work of an "Evangelist" means to keep on proclaiming the good news.
   2. To keep preaching to the people through thick and thin trying to win souls.
   3. Proclaim God's Word wherever you may be.
   4. Never get discouraged and never give up the ship.
 D. Finally Paul said, "make full proof of your ministry."
   1. Bring your gift to its full measure or potential.
   2. Carry out your service to the fullest.
   3. With all that you are and with all that the Spirit of God gives you keep on serving.
   4. That is what Paul's charge to Timothy was and that is my charge to you today.

Conclusion: Will you accept this charge? Will you allow Christ to be your all? Will you let the Holy Spirit fully guide and direct all that you say and do in your ministry? That my brother is what God expects and that is what He calls all ministers, deacons and believers to do. Accept the charge and carry out the full potential of your ministry.

God bless you and yours!
On behalf of this generation,
Your friends in the service of Christ,
Tony and Marge Abram
Abundant Life Crusades

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