Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 57 No. 8

We give thanks to You, O God, we give thanks! For Your wondrous works declare that Your name is near.
- Psalm 75:1(NKJV)

So we, Your people and sheep of Your pasture, will give You thanks forever; we will show forth Your praise to all generations.
- Psalm 79:13(NKJV )

We rejoice that in this terrible time the world is experiencing, we can still rejoice and praise our Heavenly Father for being a present help in the time of trouble and that in our mission report we can share some of the Good News of what God is doing.

It is because of God’s people like you praying and standing with us in faith.

We are just sharing a little on the ministry outreaches we have had and are doing both in India and Sri Lanka.

First we want to tell a little of the photos on this page:


The top right photo is of Marge and I after the wonderful ministry we had with ‘PRAYER FOR AMERICA’ with Evangelist Walter and Nina Zygarewicz of Global Vision and Evangelist Marcy Labocky and her husband Walter.

It was on Zoom, laptop screen (Top Left Photo) 1 to 2 hours nightly on Facebook and YouTube for a full week July 13 to July 19.

We had response from many parts of the world. The emphasis was on prayer and fasting for world wide revival.

In the next three photos left, the first two churches we helped plant in India and are not only growing but are reaching out, evangelizing in their area.

In the third photo (left) is the largest church in Sri Lanka located in the capital city of Colombo.

We had supported a good number of workers from this church that have also planted many new churches throughout the country of Sri Lanka. This then has led to some of them being able to be self supporting, allowing us to be able support others elsewhere.

We have not only supported workers, supplied Bibles, fed lepers, helped build buildings for churches and supported orphans in orphanages in a number of different countries.

 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in.
Matthew 25:35

We have helped with the purchase of food for the poor and hungry. The workers in India and Sri Lanka use even this as a tool to win the lost to Christ. In the first four photos left are some of the food staples we have recently helped purchase to feed the poor and hungry. They are so appreciative and you can be sure it is easier to preach and share the Gospel to people who are not starving.

In the photo below right is a map of the south of India and the country of Sri Lanka. The population of Sri Lanka is 23 million and India has 1 billion 280 million. You can see how vast the mission fields are in this part of the world.

The Three year Bible College that we support with Evangelist Harley Fiddler of International Focus Ministry is located in Kerala State in South India. As you can see, it is not that far from the country of Sri Lanka.

Each year students are graduating and are winning souls throughout India and beyond the border of India.

We have been in India many times over the years. The first time Mange and I were there was in January of 1970. God blessed the six weeks there with great soul winning miracle crusades before going on to Thailand.

One experience we had was that the mission home we stayed in, when we were leaving, they told us that they chased 7 cobra snakes out of our room just before we arrived. We were glad they did not tell us before


In the left photo the folks holding sacks of rice and flour with the minister.

In the left photo, the Walkers with two workers from the state of Punjab, North India.

Young Brother Walkter is normally stationed with his wife in Columbo, Sri Lanka but joined his father David Walker of David Walker Ministry in the Punjab.

We do some of our support delivery through his ministry in Asia and Africa.

Please continue to pray for all of the outreaches of this ministry. You are part of the harvest.

God Bless you and yours is our daily prayer.
On behalf of the lost and dying,
Tony and Marge Abram


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