Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 57 #4

We begin this news report, sharing the purchase of a building for the first Slavic Church in the country of Portugal for $2,500.00 which covered half of the purchase price.

The people there are very poor but will be paying the other half of the cost of the building, plus the remodeling, which they will do themselves. There are thousands of Slavic people looking for a new life in Western Europe such as Portugal and this will be the first Slavic church in the country of Portugal.

We hope to have some photos of the building we have helped purchase in a future Good News. Counting this building, with the ones we have purchased in the former USSR, would make 196 church buildings we purchased for the Slavic people.

In addition we have purchased for $2,000.00, building #197 to be used for a Rehab Center in Poltava, Ukraine, where we have planted several churches in the past.

In photo right, and it does look rough, it has 3 good size room with 600 square meters of land. It will be a blessing for the churches when they remodel it. In a nation where there is still a lot of poverty, it is amazing what they can do with a piece of simple property.

For many years we have supplied Bibles to people in a number of countries such as China, India and also recently in Romania, Europe.

Building purchase No. 197 for the
 Rehab Center in Poltava, Ukraine. Ukraine.

This is one testimony we received, which came out of the following Bible outreach in Romania:

Teams were ministering and equipping the believers with Bibles (which our ministry helped supply). While blessing spiritually hungry people with Bibles, an older man kissed his, and said he never held one in his hand that now he owns one.

"What a miracle I have here holding the Bible!"

When he opened and looked inside the Bible, he confessed that for the first time he feels very sinful and lost. We prayed for him, and he felt the joyful presence of God over him, then said, “Now here for the very first time, I feel very happy.”

A Bible there costs about $2 each, purchased with a real special discount from the European Bible Society. The total project is for $6,000.00 US dollars. Our ministry has supplied $2,400.00 for 1,200 Romanian Bibles.

There is nothing so powerful as the Word of God! These Romanian people who never owned or even held a Bible, will not only revere it but will also read it.


Our ministry to the Chinese began in 1971 in Hong Kong.

However, our call to the Chinese really began in earnest.

Late at night, while driving to Seattle from Portland, listening to a missionary on the radio who made the statement that one out of four people on earth were Chinese.

I cried out to the “Lord, will we have a harvest of Chinese?”

God heard my cry and in six weeks we were in Taiwan, the Republic of China winning Chinese to Christ in auditoriums, arenas and via a TV crusade.

 We were the first ones to preach the Gospel on prime time TV. We offered Chinese New Testaments to all who wrote us.

God provided these as a couple of years before, Billy Graham had printed thousands of New Testaments for his crusade and there were boxes of them left unused in storage.

We acquired them and for only 30 cents we were able to post them to all the Chinese people who requested them. God’s provision.

 In addition, we had several thousands radio broadcasts into mainland China covering most of China.

I made the broadcasts and they were translated into Mandarin and Taiwanese, etc. Everywhere we went, we had big crowds with many souls and miracles of healing.

Over the years we have supplied Bibles to Mainland China.

 In the photos you see in the upper right photo my book ‘Keys of the Kingdom’ we printed in both English and Chinese.

In the photos you see some of the meetings in Hong Kong, Taiwan and China where we held crusades, seminars, large conferences, preaching, teaching, winning souls and ordaining ministers for the work of God.

Pray for the work in China

God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

Your missionary Evangelists Tony and Marge Abram.

Tony & Marge Abram

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