Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Reports where we are involved in a few of the Mission Fields!
VOL 55 No. 3

For more than 55 years, Marge and I have been involved in Missionary Evangelism in more than 130 countries. We can report that God is blessing the ministry He has given in our latter days and He is using folks just like you. I wish we could share all the reports from all the areas of the world where you have helped us take the Gospel.

We are getting many reports from the many workers and outreaches our ministry is supporting in a number of countries in Africa, Cuba, Central and South America, China, Japan, Sri Lanka, India, Philippines, Eastern Europe and the former USSR.

Thousands are being reached with this wonderful Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please continue to pray for us and the over hundred twenty five full time national ministers winning souls in many nations that are supported by this ministry by people just like you, plus the many orphans you are helping us support in Africa, India and Guatemala.

Let us continue to work while we can. The devil will allow a preacher to prepare a sermon if it will keep him from preparing himself. I remember years ago, seeking the Lord, when He made me to know that He was to be first in my life. He is more important than my ministry. Though He called me to preach His Word, yet my first and most important calling and obligation is to Him. To walk, fellowship and love Him daily first in all things.

Micah 6:8 (KJV) He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?

Many times we can allow ourselves to be so occupied with the cares of life that we forget the most important, is to seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Matt. 6:33



During the month of December, Bibles were distributed right to the doorsteps of each home visited in the villages of far South-East Romania.

This region still stands as mostly not evangelized. In this evangelistic outreach project 2000 Bibles were distributed.

Mostly, people gladly accepted them, others weeping, others were reluctant of what may be the use of this book as many never had been introduced to hold a copy of the Bible in their own hands.

However, almost all of them promised to honor and treasure it and read it from cover to cover. Others asked if this is not too holy for them to read as they are miserable sinners.

The project plans for a 1000 Bibles more to be provided.

A Bible is $2.00 each to purchase there. We have sent another $2,000.00 to purchase more Bibles in this outreach in Romania.

 Also the church building we have helped with is now almost completed there in Romania where we have been able to help with the finishing, roof, etc.

We will most likely be on our way or in Japan when you receive this report. We look forward to ministry there.

Here is a photo (left), where for the past 10 years, Jim and Darla Snipe have not only pastored a church but have had a good Kindergarten ministry with Japanese children.

Photo left are some of their Kindergarten children.

We are also helping in supporting newborn babies in Central America.

(Photo above, the workers holding the new babies)

Here is an update from their orphanage:  

We currently have 17 children with us, as some have been taken back by other family members. Here is the age breakdown: 5 newborns, 3 that are between 3 to 6 months old, 3 that are between 7 to 9 months old, 5 that are between 1 to 2 years old and 1 that is 4 years old. Last week, we received a three-month-old whose mom sold her at birth.  Another one of the newborns was found by a firefighter on the steps of a hotel around 5:00 a.m. 

These are the types of stories with these orphans.



As you probably know, our ministry has been supporting 28 orphans in India and Africa, plus the help we are giving in Central America.

We are now adding this month, 5 more orphans from the area of the formerly called country of Burma now called Myanmar.

These 5 children are being raised in a remote area near Yangon, Myanmar where the main church is located. We are helping with food and Christian Education.

The cost is only $75.00 per year (not month but a year for each child.) We trust that we will be able to take on more in the near future. The cost in Africa and India is about $15.00 per month.

This makes a total of 33 children we are supporting, not counting the infants of Central America.

We are believing God to raise up ministries among these children that will be soul winners. This is reason, most important, that God will take their lives and use them for His glory.

Their photos are not very good, but would you lay your hands on these photos and pray that God will use them for His Glory as they grow into manhood and womanhood.

Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways. Job 22:28 (KJV)

This light is the blessing and favor of God.

Marge and I make this decree over you and your family, that you are and will continue to be highly favored and extremely blessed, the Apple of God’s Eye.

That you be more than a conqueror and full of  peace, joy and love. You and yours are loved. We pray for you daily.

We thank God for people like you that have made our ministry to the nations possible. We will share in the rewards on that last day.

For ourselves, all I want on that day is to hear the Lord say as in  Matthew 25:21 (KJV) His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant:… Then hear Him say, …enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

That  is what I want to hear on that last day.  What a day that will be when we see Jesus!

God Bless You and Yours is our Daily Prayer!

Your missionaries to the world,
Tony and Marge Abram

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