Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

VOL. 55 No. 10

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.

Jesus, on his way to Jerusalem, encountered ten lepers. He cleansed and healed them, but only one returned to thank Jesus afterward.

Luke 17:11-19 (KJV) And it came to pass, that, as they went, they were cleansed.
15 And one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, and with a loud voice glorified God,
16 And fell down on his face at his feet, giving Him thanks: and he was a Samaritan.
17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?
18 There are not found that returned to give glory to God, save this stranger.
19 And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole

Why did only one cleansed leper return to thank Jesus? 

Photo #1

The following are suggested reasons why the nine did not return:

- One waited to see if the cure was real.
- One waited to see if it would last.
- One said he would see Jesus later.
- One decided that he had never had leprosy.
- One said he would have gotten well anyway.
- One gave the glory to the priests.
- One said, "O, well, Jesus didn't really do anything."
- One said, "Any rabbi could have done it."
- One said, "I was already much improved."

Photo #2

Our ministry, (yours too, as you stand with us in prayer and faith) has taken on a new outreach and that is beginning to support the feeding of lepers in leper colonies.

The cost is only US $10.00 each per month.

We are starting with just 10 lepers in India and God willing, to see many more added. However, these are thankful, not only for the natural food but for the spiritual food, as they are being reached with the Gospel.

During the many years of our ministry, we have seen a few lepers healed, although lepers do not mix with people.

That means the Gospel must be taken to them as Jesus said, “Go Ye.”

In Photo #1 above left, you see our worker preaching and #2 below it, his wife to the people.

Photo #3 below left, an extra special meal being served. Photo #4 below right, lining up with their metal plates and Photo #5 you can see them in front of their rooms.

Photo #3

Photo #4

Photo #5a

Photo #5b

They are so I do like this photo right with Jesus taking the hand of an leper.

That leprosy had to die when the Saviour touched him. 

Except for preaching, which is the best thing we have done for lepers, this is the first time we have done something like helping them as we are doing by the Grace of God.

We remember the Words of Jesus when He said, if you do it to one of the least, we do it to and for Him.

The photos on this left side show the people and where they live and a photo of how leprosy eats away at the body.

Leprosy has tormented humans throughout recorded history.

The earliest possible account of a disease that many scholars believe is leprosy appears in an Egyptian Papyrus document written around 1550 B.C.

Leprosy is very likely the oldest infectious disease in human history.

Leprosy Still Exists 600 People Are Diagnosed Every Day Around the World.

Two-thirds of all new cases are diagnosed in India. In the U.S. there was reported 168 new cases of leprosy in 2016.

117 countries reported new cases of leprosy in 2017.

Four million people have disabilities as a result of leprosy. 210,671 new cases were reported globally in 2017; many cases have not been detected or reported. Approximately 10% of these new cases are in children. India, Brazil and Indonesia accounted for 80% of new leprosy cases in 2017 which remains home to a third of the world’s poor.

Every two minutes someone is diagnosed with leprosy. It causes nerve damage and muscle weakness that can lead to deformities, crippling, blindness and isolation.

Many Americans think leprosy no longer exists, but it still occurs in more than 100 countries worldwide.


While it is important to do good works, the most important IS the Gospel and Power of God to not only heal the dreaded disease but to heal the spirits of men and women and make them new creatures in Christ. 

As we reach out to these, through workers and outreaches, please pray for them. The two top photos are of Marge and I in Africa and India some years ago.

Though, we are not going personally as much as before, we still have a burden and are reaching people like these through anointed native ministers and workers, supporting more than 125 full time.

Folks just like you make this ministry possible through God’s enabling power.

Please pray for them and us.

God bless you and yours. On behalf of souls,
Tony and Marge Abram

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