Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper
and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."
VOL. 55 No. 1

We begin this new year with great expectation in our spirits that it will be a blest year with the world having the greatest year of soul winning in history.

We are planning ministry in Asia, Japan and perhaps Philippines. We also have invites to Africa and Mexico. We receive so many ’Macedonian Calls’ that if we were 10 ministries we might not fulfill them all.

Also, with the beginning of the year, we are happy to say that we are completing the building of a new church in the city of Deli, India and two villages in Punjab State.  We have also purchased 5 bikes for ministers in Uganda, Africa at a cost of $100.00 each.

They are able to travel to more of the villages  with the Gospel. They are so happy with the bikes.  To them it feels like they are driving a new Cadillac car. They are so very appreciative. 

In the three photos below left you can see these pastors and they seem so happy to have these bikes so that their ministry can be more effective.  They will be able to travel to more villages and areas of the country in Uganda, Africa.

Since in this month’s  report, we are sharing some of our ministry in Africa and India, we thought we put the three photos of Marge and me from some our past ministry there. 

These bikes are like luxury cars
to these precious African ministers.

The top photo you see us wearing the Indian sari and dodi,
clothes we wore because of the intense heat.

The official robe and hat of an Honorary Chief of the city.



Over the years, because of the outpouring and blessing of God through the crusades and ministry, I have been made an honorary chief of a number of tribes in Africa and in South America.  Also, honorary mayors,  three honorary doctorate degrees and  honorary pastor of churches but they really mean nothing.

I long for only that one day to hear my Blessed Saviour say, “Well done my good and faithful servant!”  

Two of the churches we are helping complete are in  two Punjabi villages in the State of Punjab, India.

This one has about two hundred  folks, (see photo left) and the other just over 50. They both are reaching out to win the lost.

The third church is in the city of Delhi, India. The building is two stories high as land is expensive in the city compared to villages.

The cost of the village churches we have given is $1,000.00 each to complete and the one in Delhi is $2,500.00.

They have over 150 people and are reaching out in evangelism.

Photo 1 shows bamboo scaffolding in construction in the Delhi church

Photo 2 shows the interior. No seats, but no matter, they sit on the floor.

Photo 3 shows what the finished church buildings will  like

Photos 4 and 5 look like the same building but that is because
both churches we are completing have the same plan.

Please pray for these precious people. Our ministry is involved in India from the North of the Punjab to the southern state of Kerala, India.

As you pray and stand in faith with us, you have a part in this ministry and harvest. God bless you and yours is our prayer.

God bless you and yours. On behalf of souls,
Tony and Marge Abram

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