Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

VOL. 55 No. 4

As we reported last month, one of the outreaches of our ministry is supporting orphans in Africa, India and Myanmar, (formerly known as Burma) Marge and I both have a special spot in our hearts for children.

God never gave us any children of our own and even efforts to adopt when we were young were denied because of lack of income and resources. That is why we have always had a heart for babies and children, especially orphaned or abandoned children.

Now, with the addition of 5 more children added since last month, brings a total of 38 boys and girls we are supporting with an average of about $15.00 U.S. each. This is, of course, not counting the infants we are helping in Latin America.

Here are some photos of the children we have taken on to support in the country of Myanmar, (formerly called Burma) also included are a few we hope to begin to support. 

I would ask you as I did last month, would you please lay your hands on  these photos as a point of contact and pray for them, that they will receive Christ as their own personal Saviour if they have not done so as yet. Also that they will become sowers and reapers in the vast vineyards of Southeast Asia for our Lord Jesus Christ.

The oldest child is 14 so we have only about 2 or 3 years to plant the Word and prepare them for life, serving the Lord! What an opportunity to invest the Gospel into these young lives. Jesus said, “Let the children come to me.”

Billy Graham’s Effect on our Ministry!
Evangelist Billy Graham is in heaven waiting for all of us. I met him and shook his hand when I was 13 years old at the Forbes Field Stadium in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I used to go to see double headed Pittsburgh Pirates baseball games in the one dollar seats with my baseball glove, always hoping I would catch a home run hit over the fence.

When I arrived, there was no charge and no game but it was the Billy Graham Crusade going on at the park. Though I was not truly saved that day, I believe God planted a seed and put something in my heart.

For example, as a joke, I put in my 10th grade school year book, where it asked and then printed what I wanted to be in life. I wrote that I wanted to be like Billy Graham. My friends laughed. We thought it was a good joke.

However, 2 years later, I came to Christ and was Born Again in a Kathryn Kuhlman meeting where she prophesied over me of my ministry. I am no Billy Graham, but God did take me, with my wife, into over 130 nations with the Gospel.

For a few years we even had a world wide radio outreach with national television crusades. Billy Graham was not one of my mentors but he had a effect on our ministry, crusades, soul winning, life without reproach and a honest ministry.

So Billy Graham did touch my life. I want to, one day, in heaven ask him a lot of questions and also thank him for mentioning part of my testimony in his Decision Magazine of a young evangelist just starting out. It opened some very good doors to our ministry.

Evangelist Billy Graham, may you take your rest and enjoy your many rewards. You touched countless lives. Rejoice with the saints in Glory! Here is some info of that 1952 crusade I attended in Pittsburgh from the newspaper.

His 1952 crusade here took place at the Hunt Armory and Forbes Field, where Pittsburgh Press accounts of his “pyrotechnic” oratory were borne out by Graham’s pledge to “knock a home run for the Lord” at the Pirates’ stadium and his narration of Jesus’ temptation by the devil as a three-round prize fight, complete with “uppercuts and knock-downs.”

The month long crusade drew 272,834 attendees, with 6,121 deciding to commit or recommit to Christ, according to crusade organizers.

(Many times I am asked when am I going to retire? I usually reply, “When I quick eating.” They that preach the Gospel live of the Gospel. There is no quitting. The Lord, the ministry and soul winning is my breath, my life. However I liked what Billy replied when asked this same question. Here was his answer.)


Retirement? “I don't use that word because I'm not going to retire until God retires me,” he answers. “I don't find anybody in the Bible that retired. As long as there is a need for a proclamation of love and people need someone to turn to, I'm going to keep proclaiming the gospel.”

(This is what we want to continue to do as long as we can, Soul winning crusades and Proclaiming the Gospel to the lost. Pray for us. We do love and appreciate all of you that pray and stand with us in faith. God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.)

The three photos are from the 1952 crusade at the Forbes Field Baseball Stadium in Pittsburgh, PA
where I would spend my Sundays watching baseball games in the one dollar bleacher seats.
First photo-left. Brother Graham entering the platform,
2-bottom left. Souls coming to Christ.
3-below. Photo of all seats filled in the stadium.

God bless you and yours is our prayer. Missionary Evangelists
Tony and Marge Abram

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