Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Reaching out and helping with church building #189 in
Romania and evangelizing with bible distribution!
VOL. 54 No. 8

May God’s Blessings be poured over you! May the Lord guide and lead you each moment of your life for His eternal purposes and promises, now and eternally is our prayer for you and yours!

It is with great joy we share some news with you concerning a church planted by the Moldoveni Church in Moldoveni, Moldoveni village, county of Ialomita.

Buidling #189

Usually, in Romania, they name the church after the village’s name as it may be the only evangelical church residing in that town of Romania.

They pressed on to build a little church in this village (photo left).

But the main sanctuary is still unfinished.

The wood floor needs to be added and chairs furnished inside the sanctuary.

The church holds services in the building but must borrow chairs from neighbors.

The room is heated by an old wood stove, people standing on the cold and rough concrete floor.

But most importantly is the presence of the Lord in their midst.

To finish the building they still needed about $4,000.00.

We have, from our ministry, supplied $2,000.00 of this need.

They are raising New Leaders in the ministry in Romania with the new spiritual army to conquer the next virgin territories.

Evangelism Outreaches to the Poor. A Bible for Each Home Project.

The Urziceni Philadelphia Church pastored by Costel Gramada, reaches out to evangelize the city where many have not heard the message of salvation.

 one of the Romanian Bibles we are purchasing

In the five little towns surrounding it, most people don’t own a Bible and most of them never held a Bible!

The year 2017 has been declared by this church, the year of the Bible outreach, “A Bible for each home.”

For this project they need about 3,000 Bibles.

A Bible there costs about $2 each, purchased with a real special discount from the European Bible Society.

The total project is for $6,000.00 US.

Our ministry is supplying $2,000.00 for 1000 Romanian Bibles.

Brother Tony preaching in hot weather without a/c

There is nothing so powerful as the Word of God.

These Romanian people who never owned or even held a Bible, will not only revere it but will read it.


Romans 10:13-17
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. 14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!

Map of Romania

Flag of Romania

Tony enjoying preaching to the Romanian people

Marge singing in Romania

Romanians responding to the Gospel

The bottom three photos are some of their new church plants with humble buildings going up for new ‘Houses of Prayer.’

The first time Marge and I went to Romania was in 1969.

We had a car whose trunk was loaded with Bibles and New Testaments.

We remember watching the officials searching all the cars, even taking tires off the cars and looking inside the tires.

Marge and I held hands and prayed that God would blind the official’s eyes to the Bibles.

When it became our turn to be examined, it appeared they could not see the Bibles in the trunk.

We believe it was a miracle!


Then we found we could not possibly deliver all the packages all over the country. There were so many.

Then in the capital city of Bucharest we saw the Central Post Office which housed the Communist Party of Romania. We went in Jesus Name and they asked what we were mailing. Marge acted like a ‘foreigner.’

They accepted the packages and sealed them with wax. We later heard that all they were addressed to, received the Bibles. Another miracle under the noses of the Communists!

We have seen our Miracle Working God doing miracles for over 50 years.

Praise God! Please continue to pray for us.

God bless you and yours. We love you in Jesus Name.

Your missionaries to the world,
Tony and Marge Abram

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