Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Special Philippines Mission Field Report
VOL. 54 - No. 6

Bible School students.

Roof  on School

Revival breaks out at school.

Worship time

God doing a work in student’s hearts

Deep well produces water

Fresh deep well water now for the
whole school and faculty.

Special Philippines Mission Field Report of where we are involved!

For more than 54 years Marge and I have been involved in Missionary Evangelism in more than 125 countries.

We are sharing a report on some past and present ministry in the Philippines. We first came to the Philippines in 1970 for crusades in 4 areas of the country where God confirmed His Word with mighty Signs and Wonders.

I could write a book on those months spent there. We have, from time to time, returned and held soul winning crusades.

More recently, we have been investing in workers, Bible school and students. My brother Frank, who passed away 7 months ago, was heavily involved there. Since his passing, we felt to increase our commitment there and ministry.

We will insert a few things written in appreciation from Bishop Domingo whom we have known for many years and with our dear friends Evangelist Les and Ellen Bergman.

The following is a report from Brother Domingo of assistance we have given from our ministry to the Philippines.

Dearest Loving Evangelists Tony and Marge Abram, Greetings to you both In Christ Jesus - our Great Provider! To God all be the glory, honor and praise. I cannot forget your visit some years ago with Madam Marge and conducted fruitful Abundant Life Crusades in cities of Bambang, Bayombong and Baguio. Now there are churches established in those places. How I wish and pray that the Lord will open your way to come once again.

We thank you for helping us put in a two horse power Goulds Pump for the new deep well project on top of the Miracle Mountain. Now the Goulds Pump is installed and tested for 2 hours pumping water having sufficient clean water coming out.

Praise the Lord! Our dream is now fulfilled. I have just been to the Western Union to claim the recent US $500 you sent through the Bergmans. $200 is for the Bible School. The other $200 is for the unpaid balance of the Deep Well Project up here in Miracle Mountain.

We thank you so very much for your love and much concern for all the on going projects and of having a great part in this expanding ministry. As a result, they are all blessed, revived and strengthened in the Faith of which you have a great part with your prayers and love financial supports. Thank you so very much for your prayers and supports that many young people turned their hearts to Jesus during the recent 3-day Miracle Youth Camp.

You have a great part in this and God bless you more bountifully. Enrolments are going on and we will start classes June 7 for Class Year 2017-2018. You have a great part since the Miracle Bible College. We trust God blesses your unfailing prayer and financial supports.

God bless you more physically, financially and spiritually. We have students also for the Second Semester. These Bible students mentioned are in need of prayer desperately. After you helped with putting a roof on our Bible School, many Youths and Bible students received Power after that the Holy Spirit came upon them as fulfillment of Acts 1:8 and Joel 2:28.

Those that graduated in Miracle Bible College last March 17, 2017 have been sent forth preaching the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Let's keep praying for them to be fruitful and successful branches of the True Vine. Praise the Lord!

Prayerfully and lovingly, Pastor Domingo

When ever we receive reports from the ministries we are working with, it thrills our heart and we give God all the praise.

We are so thankful to God. As you stand with us, you are helping us to help those who also are on the Frontlines of Evangelism.

God bless you and yours remain as our daily prayer.

Tony and Marge Abram



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