Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Wars and Rumors of Wars!
Volume 52 No. 4

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
- Ephesians 6:12

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Matthew 11:12

We are sure that you know there is a great battle going on in Ukraine.  It is more than just a physical battle, it is a spiritual battle that is being waged for the souls of the people of Ukraine and all of the former USSR. 

We are praying for Ukraine, God is blessing the ministry but the country is in dire need of help. There are about 1 1/2 million persons displaced, one million in Ukraine.  Many in war zones have no utilities. The economy is in shambles. The currency lost about 30% of its value in a week. People have difficulty buying food or even paying for bus fare. 

But God can change this. Believers are diligently working to help those in need and are sharing Christ, the only true hope. They pray continually.

For a year now, thousands have been gathering in multi-denominational meetings in public squares in cities across the country every Sunday evening, even in winter, to pray for the nation and for a peaceful resolution to the crisis.  

You may ask, why is this happening to Ukraine? I believe that the devil is trying to destroy this nation and subvert God's plans. There are many believers in Ukraine. Hundreds of Ukrainian workers have answered the call to all areas of the former Soviet Union, especially Russia, many that were trained in the Schools we had.

I personally trained over 5,000 in the work of evangelism. God has been using them to bring many to Christ and to plant churches everywhere. God wants to send a great spiritual revival to Russia and the former Soviet Union that will spread beyond this region. We need to take spiritual authority over Satan's devices and pray God's Will into existence. We need to help the Church to fulfill the Great Commission. 

Over 20 years ago when the Walls of Communism fell we began to work openly and diligently. In prayer, the Holy Spirit spoke to me that the doors of evangelism were open for a period and then they would begin to close slowly. We have seen that happen, one country after another of the former USSR either shut the door or have put severe restrictions on ministry.

That is why God instructed us to train workers so that when the doors would close, the work would still carry on. Praise God those we won and taught are still carrying on the Gospel, but it is not an easy task for them.

That is why we continue to do what we can to assist them. We rejoice that we have been able to plant many churches and even build, purchase or help purchase almost 200 buildings for ‘Houses of Prayer’ in the former USSR these past 25 years.

Here is some thing we did even this month with your help. In the city of Zaporizhia is a project that needed help. The church bought this basement of this large building. The green area under the building, in the photo right is the basement. It has windows. Some rooms they dug out additional depth. The largest room can easily accommodate 40 persons and needs finishing but is already plastered.

They were able to purchase this basement for a new church for US $9,000.00. They needed $1,500.00 to finish the remodeling. We believe by the time you read this, they will have received the $1,500.00 we sent and will have the work completed. Praise God!

Due to the war going on and the Ukrainian money in a downfall, it makes buying materials very cheap at this time and they all do their own work. This means that a missionary offering can do more now till their money inflates. Some years ago, we helped with a tent crusade. A church was planted and now has grown into three churches.

This third church that has been planted by the original church we planted, has acquired some land and now have asked if we could help them with three to five thousand dollars to complete it.  We said we will see what the Lord will do. We are waiting on the Lord to see if we can help in this. We did invest also this month in another Cosmos Region of Ukraine. There is a new small church building that needed $500.00 to put the building in a condition to have worship services.

We would not be able to do this if it were not for people like you who pray and stand in faith with us. God bless you for all you have done in the Kingdom of God. One day we will share the JOY WITH THESE SOULS in the presence of the Lord!

We continually receive testimonies of what God has done through the outreaches of this ministry.

We give God all the Honor, Glory and Praise.

However, here are two of the many we received that touched our hearts in a special way. These two were posted on Facebook and you can read the comment and my response.

Marge would babysit and pray over Holly. Marge is truly a ‘spiritual mother and grandmother’ to many around the world. She had blessed many and is still continually blessing people.

Marge is holding Holly as a baby.

Holly Cowman wrote about this photo on Facebook:
Lord, thank You for this wonderful woman of God, who has blessed many many people...60 Years ago Marge held me in her arms and prayed for me to come to know and accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour...Praise be to His name...it came to be and I am ever thankful to God for her.

My answer to Holly:
Holly, you just blessed Marge with those beautiful words of your testimony.  Also the comments from the other precious friends. She and I love you all. Marge is a spiritual grandmother to other Japanese babies.  As a matter fact, she is to the children in the background of the picture. We are praying for you. God bless you.

Ken Meadors Jr,. son of Doctor Kenneth Meadors, who with his wife Nancy, have been close friends for over 50 years. We have known Kenny all his life. I held him many times and we both prayed over him and his siblings.

Here is what he wrote in Facebook and what I replied to him:
Tony and Marge, need I say anything?  You know I love you both with a true covenant heart.  I have just recently expressed how blessed I was to have been born into such a strong ministerial family.  I have always said before there was Billy Graham or a T. L. Osborn, there was Tony and Marge Abram.

At least according to "baby ken". Once again you have stirred within me my true desire to preach the gospel of the Good News to the poor. I have finally quit running and accepted my call. I delivered my first sermon just weeks ago from the pulpit of Pastor Jerry Dortch.

Thank you for your beautiful display of memories on Facebook. With all my love Kenny.

My answer to Kenny:
Kenny, you know Marge and I have prayed for you since you were a baby and I held you in my arms. Your words touch our souls and hearts. We know God has something special. The late blooming flower is usually the most wonderful in God’s garden of life. We knew years ago that God had His hand on you. We still pray for you and yours.

God Bless you. Your missionary evangelists. Tony & Marge Abram.

Tony and Marge Abram


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