Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 50 No. 10

2 Corinthians 6:1 We then, as workers together with him...(KJV) 
1 Corinthians 3:8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. (KJV)

Many times during my prayer time or laying down to rest and sleep, I pray for the workers we support in Cuba, Latin America, Asia and Africa and say, “Thank you Lord, that while we are sleeping there are workers out there winning the lost, doing the commission of Christ and going into all the world, preaching the Gospel.

You and I have a part in the harvest.  It is not easy to do what they are doing especially there in Cuba.  Even though Cuba is slowing changing, it is still a communistic country.

Tony Abram preaching in Cuba.

The Cubans loved Marge.
We are rejoicing this month in this ‘Good News’ to be able to inform you, our friends and prayer partners of Abundant Life Crusades Ministries, that we, by faith, have taken on the ADDITIONAL monthly support of SEVEN full time ministers in Cuba.

This brings the total in Cuba alone to 45 full time ministries. Thank you for praying for them. With your help, our ministry is supporting these ministries. Three years ago, through our Cuban national mission workers. (The average salary per month for a Cuban worker in Cuba is only $12.00 {twelve dollars} per month.)

We are supporting them, their family and ministry with $25.00 to $50.00 per month.  Of course, we could not do this without people just like you that pray and stand with us in faith.

With the addition of these seven ministers, it makes a total of $1550 per month for the support of all 45 workers. Our vision now is for 50 workers.  Would it not be wonderful if it was 70 or even 120 workers?  With God all things are possible. Souls being won 24 hours a day around the world.

Anatolio Rysko sharing with the people of Cuba.

The Lord spoke to my heart that our latter day ministry, this would also entail being a dispenser of His finance in the work of soul-winning.

We praise God for the wonderful reports we receive from Cuba, Central and South America, China, Japan, Taiwan, Africa, India, Sri Lanka and the former USSR.


Anatolio Rysko (above) is our representative and associate evangelist to Latin America.  He has been a dear friend and fellow minister since 1975 when we first met him in Pasados, Argentina.  He recently returned from meeting with many of the workers and had wonderful ministry in Cuba.  We appreciate his zeal and love for the Lord and for the ministry of Soul-winning.

To the churches and friends that read this report, please take a moment,
lay your hands on these photos and bless these precious workers.


Pray God will give each one a great harvest. Our prayer for you is that God would bless you and yours.

We love you in Jesus Name.

Your fellow workers in the harvest,

Tony & Marge Abram


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