Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Soul wining is the four corners of our ministry
for the past 51 years of  ministry to the Nations.

Mat 1:21 And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call His name JESUS for He shall save His people from their sins.

Can you imagine that another year is soon coming to an end and that Christmas will soon be upon us. Here we are once again preparing a general Christmas letter.  We do it most to Praise and thank God for all He did this year and give Him all the Glory!  We are enclosing a Bible book marker to just be a reminder when we see it to just Praise God and give Him all the Honor and Glory for all He has done for all of us.

We also want to thank you, our precious brethren, for your part in making our ministry possible, with your prayers, faith and support. Marge and I may be on the front lines of evangelism, but we could not be there if it were not people like you to make up the supply lines.  It is folks like you and the 12 local churches in USA, UK and Canada that God uses to supply the mission funds for the outreaches of this soul winning ministry. God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

Our plans in December are to visit Mexico.  Then God willing, our plans for the New Year is to have ministry in Japan, Taiwan, Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, Argentina, Germany, Cuba and North America. Please continue to pray for us and that we will have the strength to carry the message.  We do receive scores of invitations each month from many countries asking us to come and minister to them.  We cannot go to all of them and that is why we continue to also train and support national workers to help in the harvest.  We are believing God for great things! 

We love and appreciate you. You are in our daily prayers.  Remember, without Jesus there is no real Christmas nor is there any Salvation!

God bless you and yours and give you a Blessed Christ Filled Christmas.
Your Missionary Evangelists,

Tony and Marge Abram.


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