Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXXIX No. 2

We are rejoicing that we have now been able to acquire four more buildings in four villages of Ukraine for the purpose of turning them into local church buildings called ‘Houses of Prayer.’

Below on the left are three photo views of building #173 located in the Village called ‘Veseloye’ in Zaporizhiya, Oblast (Province) only about 15 Km (9 miles) from the city of Zaporizhiya with over one million people.  (Ironic, it is same name as the one in Dnepropetrovsk Region, Province of Donetsk).  The people have been able to raise $5,000.00 on their own but the cost was $12,000.00.  We have helped them with the additional $7,000.00 that was required for the purchase. It is remodeled and ready to use as a church.

Missionaries will stay in one room and use the larger room for church services and worship. Words cannot describe the joy and happiness these precious people have in having their own House of Prayer.  They can now say they have their own church and not just meeting in a rented hall or someone’s home. 

We have now purchased a total of 176 buildings in the former USSR in the past twenty plus years of ministry.  Many souls have been saved and believers taught the Word of God in these churches

Building #173 left corner side view.

#173 front view.

#173 front right corner view

The two photos below are of building #175 in the Village "Viseloye" (Happy or Joyful like the Ukrainian word Viselka) in the Mezheskoy County of Dnepropetrovsk Province.  The price was 28,000 Hryvnas (Ukrainian currency) which is approximately US$3,500.00. .

Building #175 front view.

#175 side view.
The village has the same name as building #173 but of course it is in another province of Zaporizhiya.  This name Veseloye’ which means Joyful or Happiness is the same name as the Senior’s Home in Edmonton.

The late William Melnychuk was the Bishop of the Western Slavic Churches of Canada for many years.  He had a great burden for Ukraine.  These buildings are dedicated in memory of him and his faithful ministry over the span of many years.  Gifts were given by the Sophie Melnychuk family for these four projects.

On a personal note, he and Marge’s father were first cousins and the best of friends.  Sophie and Duane are very good friends.

#174 side view.

#174 front corner view.
The next three photos are of building #174
in the Province of Donetsk
in Novo-Sergeyevka, Krasnoarmeisk.

The cost was 15,000 Hryvnas or about US $1,900.00.

#174 corner back view.

#176 Building

Building #176 Side View.

The two photos above are of building #176 in Novonikalevka, Kherson Region (Oblast) Crimea.  The cost was US$4,000.00.  It also has a large size piece of land.

 It is a great joy for our ministry to be instrumental in acquiring these buildings for churches.  It is people like you who pray, give and stand with us that make this possible.

God bless you as you continue to stand with us. Rom. 8:37


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