Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

EARLY Celebration OF TONY & MARGE’S 50TH Anniversary
Volume XXXXIX No. 7

Arriving on the Island of Okinawa, Japan from Taiwan was a special treat for us as our dear friends and pastors from Osaka area, Aoki sensei and Yumiko sensei met us at the airport. I consider him the best interpreter in the country of Japan. They had flown down to work and be with us in these special meetings.

We not only were on this mission to pray over the land purchase for the new church building and have ministry meetings but we were surprised when the pastor, Yoshiko sensei, (whom we ordained in 2003) and her congregation had a surprise 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration for us. 

We told them that it was not until November 20th but they said they wanted to surprise us, that we would not be with them in November and that since we have no children of our own, that we were along with the Aoki’s, their spiritual parents and they were our spiritual children.

They even had the Rice Pounding Ceremony and as you can see in one of the photos, I was really pounding the rice with Aoki sensei. God blessed our meetings and ministry together with them. .

Need of having 2 services on Sunday mornings.

Tony and Aoki sensei.

Praise and Worship Team.

We also went to the ground that they had purchased and prayed over where they will build a church to seat about 500 to begin with.  Then as the Lord blesses they will expand. It is a very large piece of land for Japan and as you can see from the photo, it over looks the city. They will have plenty of room to expand.

The costs are very high in Japan to purchase land and build. We made a pledge of 200,000 Japanese Yen, which is about $2,500 US dollars. We were able to give them half of our pledge and will be sending the rest when we can.

Praying over our gift with Pastor Yoshko to be multiplied.

Land where the new church will be built.

Tony and Marge with church leaders after prayer.

Tony with some church leaders gathering for land dedication.

See photo of me above giving it to Yoshiko sensei, the Pastor and praying God would multiply our pledge and gift. She is a wonderful woman of God. I have a special place in my heart for women ministers. 

It was under Kathryn Kuhlman’s ministry that my mother was healed and saved in 1948 when the doctors said there was no hope for her. Mother became the first Christian in our family and prayed the rest of the family into the Kingdom of God. I also was saved under Sister Kuhlman’s ministry, sang and worked on her platform in 1957 to 1959.

Tony and Marge blowing out candles.

Lots of good food for our early ‘50th.’

It was she that pulled me up on the platform on that February 17, 1957 from off my knees where I was repenting and receiving Christ as my own Personal Saviour.  She asked me if I was serious in what I was doing. I said, “Yes!” with tears flowing down my face. She then prayed for me and gave me a ‘Word’ that if I would stay true to the Lord, He would take me into many lands and I would be a blessing to many.

Truly the prophecy was true. God has taken us into over 100 nations of the world to preach Christ and His Word. God have given us churches and people just like you that have stood with us in faith and have held us up with their prayers and support. Truly we are all workers together with the Lord.

Tony and Aoki sensei preaching.

Marge and Yumiko sharing a good testimony.

Every service is filled, standing room only

Listening intently to the Word of God!

The Holy Spirit moved in a precious way among the people in Okinawa. (The Okinawa area is one of the most beautiful parts of Japan, flowing with flowers and beauty everywhere.) Not only were the people touched and blessed, so were Marge and I.

Marge with young people.

Young people taking Marge for a walk
though new church grounds.

Early anniversary breakfast with Yoshiko.

Aoki sensei and Yumiko sensei

Thank you for your prayers for our ministry and for us.  We are asking God that our latter days will be the best of our ministry.  We are praying daily for you and yours.

Lei of flowers put on Marge’s neck.

Tony with Yumiko.

Marge with Aoki sensei sharing Word!

Marge with beautiful orchids in Okinawa.

Marge with Yumiko sensei.

Yoshiko sensei, the Pastor
God bless you. Your fellow workers, Tony and Marge


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