Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXXVIII    No. 8 

We are glad to report in this month’s ‘GOOD NEWS’ that we have been able to purchase three more buildings that are being or already converted into ‘Houses of Prayer’ church buildings.

This brings the total to 172 buildings purchased in the former USSR for local churches in the past 20 years. Most of them have been in villages and towns where there were no evangelical churches of any kind and in some not even a Catholic or Orthodox church.

Corner View

Front View

What a joy for precious saints of God to have their own ‘House of Prayer’ as they like to refer to a local church. Building #170 in the two above photos is a building in the village of Novopavlovka in Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.  The cost was 17,000 Hrivnas which is about $2300 US dollars.

Front View

Back View

In the two photos above is Building #171 in the city of Miner, Ukraine.

As you’ve stood with us over the years, you have made it possible. Everyone, that over the years, has prayed and supported this ministry that God has given Marge and me, have a part in this work and harvest. People just like you have helped us to go into over 125 countries of the world, giving the message God has given us through His Word. This means on that last day when we stand before the Lord, we will share together in the rewards that God will give for faithfulness.

For God will not say to us on that last day, How much? How many? How great? How big? How magnificent? No, He will only ask how faithful we were with what He asked us to do. In other words it is not how much we do as it is, but how faithful we are in what He has called us to do. Faithfulness is greatness with the Lord. It is His measuring stick. I am sure that you, as we, one day trust to hear Him say to us,

Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matthew 25:23 (KJV)

Marge and I have tried for almost 50 years to be faithful in what God has asked and called us to do. Please continue to pray that Marge and I will continue to be faithful as good servants of the Lord.

We appreciate everyone of you that are holding us up in prayer. God Bless You and Yours is Our Daily Prayer.

Front View

Back View
The building in the above two photos is in Zaporizhia Region and costs $3700.  It is in the center of the village Veseloe. It has land that allows for expansion but by taking out a wall they can fit a good number of people even in the present state. This is Building #172.

Tony and Marge Abram.
  3 John 2.

God bless you is our daily prayer.    
Tony and Marge Abram. 


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