Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXXVIII No. 2

The ‘Good News’ this month is that by faith once more we have added to the anointed national workers this ministry of Abundant Life Crusades is supporting. At only 25 US dollars per month we are able to support a full time minister-worker in Sri Lanka. Marge and I have ministered in the very south of India but have never ministered the Gospel in Sri Lanka.

Below you can see Marge and I who seem to be looking down at a map of India with the Island Nation of Sri Lanka at the bottom of the map, population of 21,513,990 with the land mass slightly larger than the state of West Virginia. Ceylon is the former English name given to Sri Lanka by the British, under their occupation of the island nation in South Asia as a dominion in the British Commonwealth between 1948 and 1972 and as British Ceylon during the occupation of Ceylon between 1815 and 1948.

Prior to that is was called Ceilao during the Portuguese occupation between 1656 and 1796. It was called Zeylan by the Dutch during their occupation of Sri Lanka between 1505 and 1656. Sinhala is the official and national language used by 74% and the Tamil national language is only 18%. However, English is commonly used in government and is spoken knowledgeably by about 10% of the population. The people are Buddhist 69.1%, Muslim 7.6%, Hindu 7.1%, Christian 6.2%.

As you can see there is a great need for ‘EVANGELISM! We have asked you in the past to lay your hands on the photos as an act of faith and pray for these new workers we are supporting. Pray that God will keep them and that they will be mightily anointed of God.

That He would use them to the winning of the Nation of Sri Lanka to the knowledge of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ. Pray for their safety. As you may know from the news that since the outbreak of hostilities between the government and armed Tamil separatists in the mid-1980s, thousands have perished and several hundred thousand Tamil civilians have fled the island.

More than 200,000 Tamils have sought refuge in the West. In this war-torn and spiritually needy country it is a great joy to be able to support these 13 men of God who are winning the lost of Sri Lanka to Christ. They join the many workers of India, Cuba, Latin America, China, Taiwan and Africa that this ministry is supporting through people just like you. It is wonderful that day and night, 24/7 there are workers out there somewhere in the world winning the lost to Christ, going to places we cannot go, eating food that we cannot eat and speaking languages that we do not speak, doing the Commission of Christ.

We all have a part through our prayers, faith and support. The Bible tells us in (2 Cor 6:1 KJV) We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain. Please continue to pray for this ministry that not only want to win souls personally but help others to do so. God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

Brother Moses, zone leader, Sunday School Pastor
with 240 children

Tony & Marge Abram

Brother Sanjeeva goes to new areas and plans new church plants, has ministry of healing.

Brother Damith Zone leader and men’s ministry co-ordinator.

Brother Christo School Principal, leader and Zone leader.

Brother Menaka is a Zone leader and evangelist.

Brother Shaun Kock has an outreach church
developing cell group leaders.

Brother Nalaska leads about 200 youth and teaches them to be leaders.

Brother Percy pastors 15 pastors of small churches
and teaches new converts.

Brother Jude, a fine worship leader has 40 in his team
and is raising up leaders.

Brother Waldo a prayer warrior that leads daily prayer from 5:30 to 8am. Trains the converts at the new church plants

Brother Trevor is doing the work of an evangelist in one zone.

Brother Sampath started a new church plant

Brother Lukas, pastor of Tamil congregation and visits outreach churches.



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