Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXXVII No. 7

Harley Fiddler flew from Ohio to Atlanta where we met and then left from there to fly together to Odessa, Ukraine via Frankfurt, Germany and Prague, Czech. It is always a joy for us to work and minister with Missionary Evangelist Harley Fiddler. He has been used much by the Lord in many parts of the Lord and is the founder and president of International Focus Ministries.

School and Crusade Location

Tony & Marge - Tony teaching.


Upon arriving in Odessa, we were met by two brethren to travel by Van to the city of Nicolayev, Ukraine. I have traveled on roads in more than 100 countries in the past 47 years of ministry. However, never have we been on a worse highway.

What should have taken about one and a half hours turned into over four hours. The reason being, that Ukraine has had one of its worse winters in history. We had to even leave the road and drive on the wheat fields.

<-- Tony Abram with interpreter, teaches.

Harley Fiddler teaching the Word at the school.

Coming to the Living Christ for Salvation in Crusade Service.

<-- Pastor Slavic watches as Tony sign diplomas

Tony gives his book to each of the students. -->

Pastors from the District attend Seminar on Evangelism.
We had wonderful ministry everywhere we went. It was a thrill in outreach services to see so many people repent and give their hearts and lives to Christ. This is still the greatest miracle that can happen.

What a joy to see both young and old come to receive Christ as their Personal Savior. Bishop Slavic, whom we know from Sacramento, California, was our host minister and arranged the outreach ministry which included ministers and a worker’s seminar with over one handed attending from the District.

We were especially blessed by the sincerity and spiritual hunger of these precious men and women of God. The three month Bible training school was conducted in the huge beautiful church building that Bishop Slavic built with the members of his church.

What a joy to teach, preach, win souls and build up the saints.

Leading souls to Christ!

Hands on hearts, praying the
Sinner's Prayer, and receiving Jesus.

The students attending the school were from different church groups.

More than two hundred attended and we had one hundred and fifty two that met the standard we set that graduated.

I gave each of them my book ‘Secrets to Successful Christian Living’ in Russian. 

Come to Jesus!

Praising God after hundreds received healing and answer to prayer in crusade service!

During the time of our ministry in Ukraine, Evangelist Morris Cerullo and Evangelist Walter Zygarewicz were to be Ukraine at the same time that we were for three meetings. However, they were stranded in Norway and could not get to Ukraine because of the volcano fallout.

They contacted me and asked me to do the meeting scheduled in the city of Nicolayev. We did and had an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. God gave me a special anointing and many souls came to Christ, delivered, filled with Spirit and I asked, how many were healed? Hundreds of hands were raised.

The Praise, Thanks, Honor and Glory to God were thunderous.

Laying their hands on unborn babies
during the Prayer of Faith.

Tony Abram loves to lead people to Christ
and to the saving knowledge of the Lord.

Praising God for the answer!

Choir sings at the crusade service.

It was also a joy to be back in the city of Nicolayev as this was one of the cities that we held seminars, crusades and planted churches in the mid nineties. How wonderful to see churches all over the city and the Work of God growing and maturing.

My calling from God is an evangelist, a soul winner. I never call myself an apostle, though others have done so. I know my calling; I know what I am by the Grace of God.

However, when we go back to places in the world, I feel as we strengthen the churches, we are at times doing apostolic work.

Workers eating homemade Pizza after service.

Getting ready to give out diplomas and Tony’s book.

<-- Tony shaking hands with graduates.

She has same last name as Tony
and wanted to have picture, maybe a cousin? -->

<-- Bishop Slavic and Tony have Pizza also.

Harley Fiddler with three Ukrainian boys. -->

It is so wonderful to see the churches that we helped to plant, growing and multiplying and the saints maturing. Many of the churches we planted over the years in the former USSR have planted many more new churches.

It is the same with the army of workers we have helped train. They are now doing the same, preaching and planting new works.

Keep praying. It is bringing results.

God Bless You. Tony and Marge.


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