Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!


Volume XXXXVII No. 10

We are so happy to say that we have taken on, by faith, eleven more soul winning workers in Malawi, East Africa.  These precious men and women are on the front lines of evangelism. 

Supporting these workers is an extension of our ministries. The Lord spoke to my heart, some years ago, that we would be doing more and more of this type of ministry in our latter days of ministry. God is using people like yourself to bring this to pass.

Sakelerani Mughogho
Sakelerani Mughogho
of Rumphi Mountains, Nthatire

Country of Malawi

We are supporting these workers through the ministry of David Walker Ministries to Africa and India. The cost of monthly support for these eleven workers is only $25.00 per month.

In our last month’s ‘Good News’ we wrote that we are now supporting 10 new children who are orphans in India. We have taken on supporting three more orphans this past month.  Remember the cost to feed, clothe and house them is only US$15.00 per month.

Just think, for 50 cents of a dollar per day, we are able to support an Indian orphan.

Lackton Kamisa
Lackton Kamisa, Chitpa, Area

Nestor S. Mtintia
Nestor S. Mtintia from Ntchis Town of the Central Region

The total cost of supporting these 11 workers and 3 orphans is $320.00 per month added to our budget. We are trusting the Lord. Psalms 50:10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

One old preacher said when he was faced with a need, “God can just sell a cow and the need will be met.”

Harold Mtinda
Harold Mtinda from Ntchis Town
the Central Region of Malawi.

Grant Stima
Grant Stima, south of
Lifongwe, Central Region .

Fynes Mlenga
Fynes Mlenga
From Chitipa, Malawi District.

Rolas Mtatya
Rolas Mtatya working for the Lord
in Chtipa East.

Christopher Chilenga
Christopher Chilenga from Salima Town.

John Musopole
John Musopole for the Southern Rigion of Blantyre, Malawi.

As we have asked in the past, please lay you hands on these photos and pray a prayer for each one of these We can send the Word. Psalms 107:20 (KJV) He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

There is no distance in prayer. This is something we all can do. May I remind you again that when you go to our website you can see the photos in color www.tonyabram.com.

Sangwani Kumwenda
Sangwani Kumwenda near
Rumphi Mountains, Nthalire.

Mary Sibale
Mary Sibale winning souls in the
Chitipa Town, Malawi, East Africa

We want to thank you for your prayers and faithfulness in making our ministry possible to the nations for these many years. God bless you and yours.

Your fellow workers,

Tony and Marge Abram.



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