Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Vol 46 - #10

Phil 4:19 KJV But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Recently we were contacted by the brethren in Russia with whom we have be working in ministry, that there was a building in the city of Orel, Russia which was for sale. It could be converted into a church building. The cost was four thousand US dollars. We made an almost immediate commitment of $3,000.00 to the project if the members of the congregation of this ‘HOUSE OF PRAYER’ would raise the rest of the cost and enough to remodel it for their church building. They quickly agreed to this. However, while we make these commitments by faith, God was listening and the Word tells us in (Isa 65:24 KJV) And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.

This is what happened. Before we could even inform our prayer partners about this project and need, God was already working behind the scenes. Our pastor friend and fellow worker Darrell who has taught in a number of the Bible Training Schools in Armenia, Ukraine and Russia, emailed me that they were sending a check in the mail to help us buy a building for a church. It was enough to fulfill our commitment and enough to help us give our promised support for 3 months to the 12 workers we are supporting in Russia. Truly the Word still works. Jesus said that His Word never changes.  Matt 24:35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.
Marge and I have seen God do this time after time for all of our 47 years of marriage and ministry. November 20th will be our 47th anniversary and I thank God for His faithfulness to us year after year. We have preached by faith and we have trusted God to supply every need for every project and out reach God has given us to do .
Phil 4:19 KJV But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

We are returning to Quetzaltenango, Guatemala this month. On 22 acres, you see one of the most beautiful Bible School campuses we have seen anywhere on the mission field. It is carried on by Clarence and Marion (Zirkle) Wright. God has given them a number of wonderful missionaries who work with them.

 Three years ago we helped to graduate 703 students from this 3-year Bible College. Harley Fiddler and I had the privilege of teaching these students and also over 600 workers in a seminar. They were from every country in Central America.

 We had evangelistic meetings at night and saw over 500 believers make a commitment to become soulwinners. God stretched forth His hand with signs and wonders Many invitations have since come to us from all over Central America to please come and hold soul winning crusades and seminars. Even in Cuba the door is opening for our ministry. Please pray for us (Dan 4:2 KJV)  I thought it good to show the signs and wonders that the high God hath wrought toward me.
JAPAN: The brethren there are anxious for us to return. They are waiting on us to preach, teach, encourage, answer questions and ordain and set forth workers for the ministry. They want us to help them to strengthen churches with our ministry. We are also going to dedicate the new parsonage that the Snipes have built next to their new church. We dedicated the church last year. We will be ministering in the 25th year of celebration of the Good Samaritan Church. Although I know our calling, we are evangelists, we do not call ourselves apostles. However, many times in different parts of the world, we are called upon to do apostolic ministry. We thank God for the privilege to do this work for Him. We believe God to bless in this ministry. We dearly love the Japanese Christians.
The Japanese are very kind and polite people. It will be good to see our dear friends Pastor and Sister Aoki, also Jim and Darla Snipe. They are representatives for The Abundant Life Crusades ministry in Japan. God has been blessing the ministry and we are sure it is because you are praying for us. Please continue to do so... Thank you for your prayers. (Heb 2:4 KJV)  God also bearing them witness, both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will.

God bless you and yours is our daily prayer. Tony & Marge Abram.


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