Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Vol 46 - #9

We would like to give you our annual update of what the Lord is doing through this ministry, without whom we could do nothing and yet with Him we can do all things.  I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Phil 4:13 (KJV)

First, we wish to thank God for you, whom God has used through your prayers, faith and support, knowing that we as a team are working together for the Kingdom of God. We then, as workers together with Him 2 Cor 6:1 (KJV)

Marge and I are still on the front lines of world evangelism and God is using you as part of the support and supply lines. We will be very busy the rest of this year. God willing, we will go to Nicaragua, Ukraine and Armenia.

Then with Brother Harley Fiddler to Guatemala, Central America to do soul winning, teaching and to highlight the mission, we will once again graduate the students from the ‘BIBLE SCHOOL’ OF GUATEMALA, CENTRAL AMERICA.

Then ending the year in Japan. A couple of years ago, we graduated over 700 three year Bible School students there. 

For that ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. James 4:15 (KJV)

tony and marge abram
Your Missionary Evangelists,
Tony and Marge Abram.

Working with Walter Zygarewicz in the former Soviet Union, we have had almost 3,000 students go through our schools and almost 90% are in ministry. Praise the Lord!  We have personally trained over 7,500 workers in the former USSR in EVANGELISM. 

With your help, we have purchased 158 buildings for churches in the last 15 years in the former USSR and they are paid in full. Praise the Lord!

malawi east africa
We were able to give to build this building in Malawi, East Africa.
Here the people are gathering for the Dedication Service.

We have, in addition, just helped build three churches in East Africa and one in India.  The African churches photos are in this report. 

Also we have purchased or helped to build two in Paraguay, one in South Africa (plus helped to build a Bible School) and one in Japan.

Marge and I will have been married 47 years this November 20th. God has enabled our ministry to do 47 years of missionary evangelism on every continent. Here are some of the outreaches of our ministry in addition to the above personal ministry

UKRAINE: We are supporting 53 workers with a total of $1500.00 per month.

RUSSIA: We are supporting 13 with a total of $1250.00 per month. Japan: We help one missionary couple with $125 per month.

CHINA: Each month we give $300.00 for printing Bibles, $300.00 for Cell groups in China, $100.00 for Church Leader’s support in China, $100.00 for imprisoned Christian’s families in China, another $100.00 for Bible delivery in mainland China and $100.00 for Training Schools in China . This makes a total of $1,000.00 for China missions each month.

INDIA: We support a Bible college with $1000.00 per month plus $2325.00 per month for 11 couples and 4 single evangelists.

AFRICA: We are supporting 23 workers in Uganda and two in Kenya. Total per month is $750.00.

bugiri liberty church, uganda
We gave to build this church in Bugiri, Uganda, East Africa. Buchiri Liberty Church.

kiyeyi liberty church uganda
Kiyeyi Liberty Church in Kiyeyi, Uganda.
We gave to help build this building. They are finishing the outside here.

We also are assisting ministries in Taiwan, Philippines, Paraguay, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, etc.

One of the Indian ministers we are supporting in India,
baptizes new believers. Praise God!

We get many reports of souls coming to Christ and churches being planted through these workers and students.  We could not do this without you. 

You have an important part in this ministry as you have stood in faith with us in soul winning, planting churches and raising up leaders and workers through teaching the Word in seminars, schools and other means of outreaches to the nations. 

We have been asked many times why we do not have projects so that people can give toward it.

First, I believe that our whole ministry is a project from the Lord.  When money is designated toward some building or other need, we put 100% toward that project.  However, you know that we are a faith ministry.  We do not ask or ‘beg’ for offerings.  We inform what God is leading us to do and we know that if God leads us, He makes no mistakes and will meet the need. We do ask people to pray for us. I know if we can get people to pray for us instead of us asking people to give, the Holy Spirit can speak to hearts about needs and what they should do.  He never makes a mistake. 

I believe if God leads us to do some thing, He will always make a way.

Our prayer is that God would do more in our latter years than in our former years. The Lord spoke to my heart, that in addition to soul winning, planting churches and raising up disciples through teaching, He was also going to make us dispensers of His finances. I reasoned with myself, if this is so, then we are going to need finances to be able to dispense His finances. The Word came to me in Psalms 50:10 For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.

I believe that God can always sell a few cattle to give to this ministry so that we can share with those who need and can best utilize it for the Kingdom of God. Marge and I have always tried to be good stewards of what God has placed in our hands.

Please remember, we give God all the Glory for all these outreaches.

God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

On behalf of this generation,

Tony and Marge Abram.
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