Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Vol 46 - #7

We had a wonderful time in Ukraine starting with wonderful ministry in Kiev. We were with Pastor Vitaly who has a large church with about 2,000 members. They have bought a factory and are remodeling it to hold 10,000 people. He announced me, telling his people we were the ones who first preached and planted their Church 16 years ago.

The huge hall is packed in Kiev, Ukraine meeting.

Tony Abram with Boris

We had hundreds surrender and commit their lives to the Call of God. Then in Poltava we saw God move by His Spirit. We also graduated about 70 workers for the ministry of soul winning. They were so happy with our teaching and with their diplomas. Pray for them. They like us, need much prayer. Walter writes about the Russian School in Krasnodar, Russia, “What a joy to see new missionaries rise up to minister to the unreached in this vast nation of Russia.

<-- Tony prays over the hundreds of people who answer the call of God in Kiev, Ukraine.

There are former business people who left their business in Moscow following the call of God to become missionaries. 6 teams have been formed from the students at the Missionary School in Krasnodar, Russia. They are going to various cities and towns to plant new churches. 

<-- Students in Poltava praying before receiving the last teaching from Tony on EVANGELISM.

Tony with Pastor Vitaly and Brother Boris in Kiev, Ukraine.

Walter greets the people and introduces
Tony Abram’s ministry.

It has been a joy to teach at this School and to send other teachers to train these new missionaries. Pastor Andrey has done a wonderful job of coordinating this great effort. It was a joy to minister in the region and teach at our Missionary School and Church Bible School, speak in Afipsk and to visit the 2 Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centers in Krasnodar and in Hamakak.” Please continue to pray for the schools and outreaches, as well as all the teachers.

Seminary Director Victor, giving thanks for the School. Note the stacks of Tony’s Russian books given free to the students.

Tony Abram takes a break between classes.

Please also pray for God to continue raising up those who will partner with us to make this possible. We could not do this ministry in the former USSR with out the groundwork of Walter and the ministries of all the teachers from Canada, USA and United Kingdom. We thank them but it is God who keeps all the records. Training these workers, we move from addition of souls to the multiplying of souls into God’s Kingdom. I have not seen any of our schools more appreciative that these. Many expressed their appreciation.

Pastor Vadim with his evangelists, pastors and workers that attended many of the teaching sessions. We have been supporting their outreaches and church planting with $333.00 per month for the past two years. They have planted a number of new churches in the Poltava region. Please pray for them.

Tony preaching with Boris interpreting.
One sister wrote a beautiful poem thanking all the teachers who came to give them the Good Word of God. Even as I write this great reports which keep coming in from the Bible Training Schools we just held in Poltava, Ukraine, and Krasnodar, Russia, new churches are being planted in various towns and cities. Great reports are also coming from the intense Missionary Schools in various parts of Russia. Graduates have recently started almost 150 new works. It was a joy to have Boris Bogdanets interpret for me. It was like old times years ago when we worked together in Ukraine. He and his wife and family now live in Northport Florida where he is active in the work of the Lord.

156 Building for a church cost $2150.00 in Chuguyev, Eastern Ukraine.

Bishop Stephen encourages the students.
In addition to report on the ministry and school in Ukraine, we have been able to purchase with your help, three more buildings that are converted into local churches. These are the photos to the left: building #156, #157 and #158.

Building #157. We paid $1400.00 for this building for a church in Shamtayivka, Ukraine

This student thanks the teachers and shares
a poem she wrote about the school.
We were able to give each student, free of change, my latest Russian book, ‘STEPS TO SUCCESSFUL CHRISTIAN LIVING.’ We have heard such good comments from students how much the book has helped them. Please continue to pray for us and the ministry that God has given us. God bless you and yours.

Building #158 consist of two buildings in Tarsyanka, 70 KM from Zaporizhia City. The building has a hall for 70 people, plus rooms, gas, electric and water. They have a group of some 50 attending. They will have people coming from surrounding villages. We gave $3000.00 for it and they will raise the balance of $3000.00 more.

On behalf of souls, Your missionaries,
Tony & Marge Abram
III John 2

Steps to Successful Christian Living.


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