Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXXVI No. 2

We were very happy to return to Paraguay after 31 years to see people coming to our crusade in the Basketball Stadium in Encarnacion.  When we were last in Paraguay, we saw a national revival. Every stadium, building and open air meeting was packed with spiritually hungry precious souls. The TV, Radio and Newspapers had coverage from the crusades of the many testimonies. Encarnacion, Paraguay was across the river from Pasados, Argentina. (See last month?s ?Good News? for the crusade report there).

Encarnacion Basketball Stadium before service time

Now filled with precious souls.

Three Amigos, Evangelists Luis Sanchaz, Tony Abram and Anatolio Rysko.

We also were in Tres Colonias for teaching and workers seminar services. We praise God that once again we saw a wonderful outpouring of the Spirit of God as He stretched forth His hand by bringing hundreds of precious souls into His Kingdom and healing and delivering many by His power.

Tony Abram leading hundreds to Christ!

We gave $1,000.00 toward the purchase of this building for a church in Paraguay.

Our team consisted of myself, (Tony Abram) my wife Marge Abram, Anatolio Rysko (Our Latin America Associate Evangelist) and joining us also for this ministry was Luis Sanchaz, singing evangelist from Texas and his wife Patrica. He also did a lot of the translating along with Anatolio Rysko. The workers in the seminar were so enthusiastic about doing the Commission of Jesus. I taught on evangelism from Mark 16:15-20.

Nothing Tony loves better than
leading souls to Christ in his ministry.

Big screen TV so the people can see the ministry and testimonies.

Crusade-Seminar service held in Tres Colones, Paraguay

Our good friend Margaret Muller was there. She is from Sweden and has been a missionary for about 40 years. Her husband whom we worked with 31 years ago, was the one who saw us off at the airport after the National Revival. He said to me that his eyes had seen what he had prayed and worked for and that the next time he would see me would be in heaven. I did not believe him but at age 38 he went to be with the Lord two weeks later from a accident on a motorbike. Margaret has carried on since that time. It was wonderful to see people from 31 years previous serving the Lord that we won. However, this is a new generation and since Jesus is the same today as yesterday, we saw the same saving and healing power of Christ in every service. Hundreds poured forward nightly.

These surrender themselves to the Lord to be one of His Workers in evangelism

Luis and Patrica Sanchaz sing with Anatolio Rysko
praising the Lord!

Luis translates for Tony in crusade.
I never get tired of leading people to Jesus. We have gone into many countries doing 46 years of international evangelism and no matter where we go, in the world the thrill of leading souls to the Lord is the greatest blessing we can experience. (Prov 11:30 KJV) The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. We want this wisdom as we endeavor to continue pointing people to Christ.

Tony teaching in seminar with Anatolio interpreting

Anatolio Rysko and his brother Pablo sing together
in seminar meeting.

She came to Christ 31 years ago in our crusade, now is a Pastor?s wife

This man came to Christ 31 years ago now stands with Anatolio along with his family he brought to this crusade

Pray that we will have lots of this wisdom. (James 1:5 KJV) If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him. Pray for our ministry. God bless you and yours In His Service,
Tony and Marge Abram.

Tony praying for workers in seminar service.

Never too young to Praise the Lord!

We gave $1,000.00 toward the construction of this church

Paraguay has a population of 6,831,306 (July 2008 est.) In the disastrous War of the Triple Alliance (1865-70) - between Paraguay and Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay - Paraguay lost two-thirds of all adult males and much of its territory. Their money called Guarani was 121 to a US dollar in 1974, now it is 2,500. to a dollar.


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