Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXXVI No. 12

It was a great joy to return to Quetzaltenango, Guatemala after three years with my wife Marge and Evangelist Harley Fiddler.

Even though for four hours, we traveled from Guatemala City via a Van over the mountains, (up to 12,000 feet elevation) on the curviest road we have ever seen.  We were very busy during our time there. So much was accomplished that we must do the Good News Report in two editions.

Aqua Viva Graduating Class of 2009, teachers and 516 students

Missionaries for 47 years.

In this one, Part One, we will share a little of the graduation and ministry outreach during the evenings. In Part Two we will share on the teaching, workshops, seminar, and minister’s banquet.

Please remember you can always go to www.tonyabram.com and see all these photos and others that we do not print in color. Go to the link ‘Good News’ and then open any of our reports from the past eight years. T he grounds of the Bible College are located on 22 acres.  It is one of the most beautiful Bible School campuses in the world.  It is carried on by Clarence and Marion (Zirkle) Wright.  God has given them a number of wonderful missionaries who are working with them.  We helped graduate 516 students.

Harley Fiddler charging the students at graduation service

Part of the 516 graduates, 2009!

Ministry Team for the meetings and the graduation. What fine workers here in Guatemala. Agua Viva is doing such a wonderful work having trained and graduated 30,000 students and
workers in the last 30 years.

Tony Abram loves and lives to point people to the answer, the Lord. Jesus Christ!

 Harley Fiddler, Marge and I taught hundreds of workers in the seminar from every country in Central America. Also
including Mexico and Bolivia, South America. Marge also had opportunity to teach.  They loved her ministry of song both in Spanish and English.  Brother Harley also blessed the people with several songs from his old album.  God stretched forth His hand with signs and wonders.  It is always great to work with Harley, as he is a real humble servant of our Lord and a great friend and brother.

Marion and Clarence Wright.

Tony Abram preaching the Gospel of Jesus.

Everyone loves Marge Abram

Tony being interviewed
on television.

Harley and Tony being interviewed over the radio.

Harley Fiddler              Tony and Marge                       The hall is filled to capacity
Many invitations have come to us from all over Central America to hold soul winning crusades and seminars. Even in Cuba, the door is opening for our ministry. In April, Marge and I along with our Associate Evangelist for Latin America, Anatolio Risko will be having crusades in Nicaragua, Central America. 

At this writing, he is in Cuba in meetings and we may soon be going there as the door opens to our ministry. Please pray for us and all the wonderful missionaries, ministers and workers from all over Latin America we ministered to in Guatemala.

Jesus healed her!         Crusade Banner                 Marion Wright and Sister Carol.

(left) The hall was packed with people expecting to receive from the Lord!   
(center) Broken leg healed!
(right)  Tony praying for those who streamed forward for prayer.

We had some wonderful opportunities to share the Gospel and our testimonies via radio and television.  The anointing came down mightily even during a 30 minute television interview.  What a joy to work with the wonderful ministry of Agua Viva (Living Water) with Clarence and Marion Wright along with Sister Carol and her husband Rony and all the fine ministries working with the school.

(left) Harley and Jonathan ministering the Word. Photo left, Jonathan’s brother was healed.
(right) Jonathan and his mother with Marge. They are from Bolivia. He was one of our fine interpreters.

With this years graduation, they have, since 1979, graduated 30,000 workers for the great harvest fields. 

Pray for them, us and the all the workers on the field. With you. we are truly “Workers together with Christ!”

God bless you and yours.

Tony and Marge Abram.

 3 John 2.


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