Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Good News about Ukraine, Russia and Armenia Ministry
Vol 46 - #11

It is now forty seven years we have sent out a monthly report. Many years ago, as it is today, we read, listen and see via the ‘News Media’ almost exclusively, bad news of what is happening in our world. However, the Lord Jesus Christ told His Church, (which are all the believers) to go into all the world and broadcast the ‘Good News’ of the Gospel. This, we have tried to do over the past forty seven years. Not only by sending out these reports telling the good things God is doing and giving Him all the Glory, but actually going into over 125 countries of the world, preaching and sharing the Gospel.

I do not know how much time we have left before the Great Day of His Return or how many years Marge and I have left to do the ministry He has called us to do. One thing we do know, we want to be faithful and our desire is to one day hear Him say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” (Mat 25:21 KJV) His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.

side view of house
Here is a side view of the house that will be turned into a House of Prayer in Nikolayevka, Ukraine.
In the three photos to the left and below are the same purchase we made in the village of Nikoforovka, Donetsk Region, Ukraine.

The village is 17 Km. (10 miles) from Nikolayevka where there a solid group is already attending.

This 160th church plant building. was from Slavyansk Church (where we had a school) bought for only $1700.

(PTL we have now purchased a total of 160 buildings for churches in the former USSR!)

other buildings
Total cost is only $1700.00. Here is view of other buildings
on this large price of land. Pray for them.

converted church house
Converted from house to a village church!

Then concerning the schools, we have been able to help with $2,000.00 toward the cost of running the new schools in Russia, Ukraine and Armenia that have or will be started. We thank God for the good work of Walter Zygarewicz, coordinating the schools and all the anointed teachers, not only paying their own ways but also helping with the financial cost of the schools.
If we are to reach the billions of un-reached, it will take the entire Body of Christ taking seriously the Great Commission of Jesus Christ and making it happen. That is why we are continuing to train and raise up National Leaders to reach their nations and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the key to reaching the world. Walter was recently in Armenia to minister in several churches and kick off our 3rd Armenian Missions School in Yerevan. There, we are having a great school. We have a wonderful group of 43 students plus ministers and leaders who attend regularly. 21 are from various parts of the country (including one from the Republic of Georgia and one originally from Iran). 

mother abram
Recent photo of Mother Abram.  She is now 96 years young.
She still prepares this Good News to send to you.

tony and marge
Tony and Marge Abram, your own personal Missionary Evangelists.

We are housing and feeding these students coming from 12 churches. There has not been such unity among churches before in this country. This will lead to revival. The students are sharp and very attentive. They are eagerly receiving the teaching of the Word. Many good reports: 17 new churches have already been started and planted by graduates of the first 2 schools in Armenia. We have seen God raise up new pastors and leaders and numerous churches, (hundreds) have resulted from all the schools. Please pray for us and for all the teachers who will follow. Two weeks ago, another school was started in Ukraine - Zaporizhia Region. Additionally, we jointly are conducting schools in various parts of Russia. In Krasnodar, Russia, a missionary conference was held and prepared the 3rd Missions School starting in January 2010. Do pray and consider what you are doing to partner with us in this great effort. Be assured that you have planted in fertile soil and there will be much fruit.

ministering a packed church
Ministering to a packed church of hungry souls in Ukraine.

We are truly workers with Christ together. Psalms 111:6 He hath shewed his people the power of his works, that he may give them the heritage of the heathen. This why we preach the FULL GOSPEL! God works with us confirming His Word. So that is why, like Paul we ask you to pray for us. Thessalonians 5:25 Brethren, pray for us. I know that you do already pray for us and we do value it. We give all the Glory to God for what He has done!  However, the time is brief and we must do all we can, while we can.  This is why Marge and I have devoted our lives to telling the world of our MAGNIFICENT SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST 2 Thess 3:1 Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.

God bless you.

And yours Tony & Marge


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