Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Taiwan, Republic of China mission report
and three buildings purchased in Armenia for churches!
Volume XXXXV No. 8

Taiwan, Republic of China, has 80F degrees (30C), sun and humidity. However, best of all, we experienced the blessing of the Lord. I believe it is because you are praying for us.

We saw God move by His Spirit. We write you this Good News Report sharing what God did by His Spirit to encourage you to praise the Lord and to keep us in prayer for the continuing harvest of Chinese souls. Praise the Lord! If you like to see this report in full color, please check out the ‘Good News Report’ under the link 'Good News' at our website.

Halls are filled with Chinese.

Packed with Chinese hungry for the Word!

Tony with Pastor
Peter Wong interpreting

Tony with Dr. Tien of Tainan, ROC

Tony Abram with
interpreter Peter Chai.


It was good to work with John and Hyoncha Clark. They are our representatives and Associate Evangelists for Abundant Life Crusades in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Southeast Asia. They have also been our friends since 1979. Missionaries John & Hyoncha Clark have spent the past 20 years plus, as missionaries in the country of Taiwan. They planned our itinerary in Taiwan. God is no respecter of persons. Acts 10:34. He moved in every service. It made me think of the early church in the second chapter of the Book of Acts. People received Christ, they were healed, filled with the Spirit and had their needs supplied..

Marge shares the Word!

Preaching in hospital with Pearl

Tony prays for patients in the Hospital meetings

Marge sings to the Chinese people.

We had one meeting with Dr. Tien in his seven-story hospital which he owns. He uses the whole 7th floor for a Chapel. Eleven years ago Marge and I prayed over the building and the area that was to become a Chapel. Although many outsiders attended the outreach, Dr. Tien had many of his patients (some hopeless) brought to the meeting for prayer. Dr. Tien told us many of his hopeless cases have been healed through prayer in his hospital.

Tony Abram with
Pastor Tony of Tainan

Tony with another
interpreter Sister Suzan.

john and hyoncha clark
John & Hyoncha Clark.

Tony prays with John for the sick and needy

Marge Sharing the Word

Sister Mishi, a faith handmaiden of the Lord, age over 97 years, was in the meeting. We helped to pray for her 2 years ago when there was no hope for her. She was dying with cancer. God healed her and she is still with us, praying for the lost. We also want to be faithful each day of our lives. Most of our ministry was held with the Presbyterian, Baptist, Holiness Methodist and Independent churches. It is wonderful to see how many churches in Asia are opening up to the Full Gospel Message. Please continue to pray for us as we endeavor to do what God wants us to do.

Tony praying and giving a word to these new pastors.(middle)

Marge and Hyoncha praying for the ladies in Tainan.

Marge with Mishi, 97 years old, healed of Cancer two years ago in our service.

We all want to hear Him say on that last day, (Mat 25:21 KJV) …. Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord. The population of Taiwan is 22,894,384 (July 2005) and is located in Eastern Asia We believe Taiwan is a key to evangelize the huge country of China.

Armenia News

Armenia, where we had a wonderful Basic Bible Training School and will, God willing, open another soon.

We have received much thanks and appreciation for our commitment to buy three buildings for churches.

Building #150 Yerevan, Hovtashen,
capital city of Armenia.

We have committed ourselves to give a total of $15,000.00.

They will come up with the other $3,000.00.

The second building also has a new building on it.

We are helping with the finishing which costs about $5,000.00.

Second building on the 5 acres. -->

The first is about 5 acres and is a very good deal for the proximity to (7 miles or 12 Km) Yerevan in Hovtashen, which is the capital city of Armenia.  It is metric 2300 square meters, over 2 hectares (5 acres) with 2 buildings on it Property near the capital is very expensive.
A new church building which is situated in the outlying district of Yerevan; is about 6 miles (10 km) from Yerevan.

Inside of building #152, located about 6 miles from the Capital of Armenia

Building #151 in the
district of Yerevan, Armenia.

Building #152 in Armenia  -->

This building is constructed, but not finished.

There was no appropriate financial means for finishing its construction completely as they are quite poor there.


It is a separate Pentecostal church and the number of its members is 50.   Pray for the brethren there in Armenia.

Worker #10 we are supporting in Russia.

Russian worker #11 we are supporting
with $100 per month in new area.

Thank you for your part in this ministry of World Evangelism. This is God’s Work.

God bless you and yours. Your missionaries,

Tony and Marge Abram,
Mark 16:15-20


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