Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

xxxxv #4

We saw a powerful move of God at the Missionary Conference and School in Moscow, Russia. Missionaries have gone out from the Schools and Conferences into the harvest fields of this vast nation to plant new churches and evangelize the lost. Walter, Marge and myself taught the last week of the School and did the Missionary Conference teaching on Leadership, Soulwinning, Discipleship and Evangelism. Just prior, we had a similar experience in Krasnodar, Russia, and Kharkov, Ukraine.

revival in moscow
Ministers, Missionaries, and leaders from all over the former USSR attend the school and conference in Moscow

tony preaches
Tony Abram teaching the Word to Russian workers

In just these three schools, over 250 were trained for the work. God is doing marvelous things in this region of the world and we are preparing for a great revival.

We are wisely investing our time and funds in this end-time calling of God to the people of the Russia and the former USSR.

When we train workers to become soul-winners we move from the addition of souls to the multiplication of souls being brought into the Kingdom of God!

tony prays
Tony praying for
students at graduation.

Hudson Taylor’s vision of a last day revival as was written.

“I have seen a vision. I saw in this vision a great war that will encompass the whole world. I saw this war recess and then start again, actually being two wars. After this, I saw much unrest and revolts that will affect many nations. I saw in some places spiritual awakenings. In Russia, I saw there would come a general all-encompassing, national SPIRITUAL AWAKENING so great that there could never be another like it. From Russia, I saw the awakening spread to many European countries. Then I saw an all-out wakening, followed by the Coming of Christ!”

marge teaching
Marge Abram
teaching the Word!

bishop okara
Bishop Okara tells what a blessing our school and conference was to them
in Russia.

 they came from all over russia
These mission workers from all over Russia attend the School of
Ministry and Missionary Conference in Moscow, Russia.

tony, marge, walter
Tony, Marge and Walter:
conference team for mission workers

Tony Abram teaching the Word to Russian workers.


As we share more of the good things God did by His Spirit and Power, here is some information on the country of Russia. It has 141,377,752 (July 2007 est.) people living within its borders.

The Geography of The Russian Federation is the largest of the 21 republics that make up the Commonwealth of Independent States. Known now as the CIS, it was known as the USSR before, which had more countries in it.

It occupies most of eastern Europe and north Asia, stretching from the Baltic Sea in the west to the Pacific Ocean in the east, and from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Black Sea and the Caucasus in the south.


Your missionary evangelists to the world, Tony and Marge Abram

marge with books
Marge giving gift of Tony’s Russian book to workers. ‘Secrets to Successful Christian Living.’

It is bordered by Norway and Finland in the northwest; Estonia, Latvia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania in the west; Georgia and Azerbaijan in the southwest; and Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, and North Korea along the southern border.

Land area: 6,592,812 sq mi Religions: Russian Orthodox 15%–20%, other Christian 2%, Islam 10%–15% (2006 est.; includes practicing worshippers only)

There are over 120,000 cities, towns and villages that have not a Christian wittiness of any kind whatsoever, including the Orthodox Church.

Moscow has become the most expensive city in the world passing New York and Tokyo.

tony's books
Tony’s books waiting to be
given to students.


walter preaching
Walter Zygarewicz
challenges the workers

When we first came to Russia there were only 300 churches across Russia. Now there are over 2,000 churches.

However, this is just a drop in the bucket! This is why we are hoping to support 12 of the new workers to go to unreached areas.

Here are the first three workers we are supporting with $100.00 per month each in the photos left.

New worker #1 we are now supporting in Russia.


bishop nikolay
Bishop Nikolay thanks the Team for coming

These three are working in 12 unreached areas of the province (state) of Olhoss where there are only two churches in the whole province.

We are taking on a total of 12 new workers and have by faith, purchased 6 buildings in Russia for churches.

We hope to publish the photos of the workers and buildings in our next month’s ‘Good News.’

New worker #2 we are now supporting in Russia

ivan thanking
National Russian Youth Director, Ivan, thanks us for our ministry

We thank God for the wonderful teachers that came and helped us with the leader’s school in Moscow.

Without their ministry we would have had a difficult time. In addition to Marge and I, we had Darrell Peregrym, Harley Fiddler, Boyd Young, Jairo Leandro, Walter Zygarewicz, Mike and Michelle Heimsoth, Marcy and Walter Labocki and others.. We had nine hours of teaching plus a crusade service each day.

It was so very nice to meet brethren that we had not seen for a number of years in Russia. We heard the reports of churches we had planted up to 15 years ago, now going strong and planting other churches themselves. This is multiplication! Next month we will share Russia Part II .

New worker #3 we are now supporting in Russia

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