Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Vol 45 #9

It was a joy to lead the wonderful dedication of the new church building in Sumoto, Awaji, Japan. It was just 4 months before that we led the ground breaking service.

The new church building in Sumoto, Awaji, Japan that we dedicated, the first new church building in many years.

 They work very fast in Japan. I believe that is why their ministers work so hard and get so much accomplished. The dedication service was blessed with the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Not only was the church filled with believers and unbelievers but many pastors, ministers and missionaries t attended.

Tony Abram presenting Jim to the church, challenging him with the work of the ministry with his wife Darla

Jim Snipe opening service with the blowing of the Shofar.

The new building is full for dedication.

Pastors Jim and Darla Snipe.
The youth choir was anointed with the Holy Spirit. Many of our students from our Bible College sang in the choir. There were 3 buses that brought many from the mainland. Jim and Darla Snipe were so happy that Jim?s sister Debbie and husband Mike were there from California for the dedication

Tony Abram, joined by visiting pastors lay hands on Jim and Darla Snipe at the dedication service.

Kubo sensei telling of painting of Jesus feeding
the people.

Tony preaching with
Aoki sensei translating

 . The ministers helped Aoki sensei (Bishop of the Good Samaritan Japan) and I pray over Jim and Darla. We asked God to give them a double portion, wisdom and knowledge to lead the people as they pastor the church. Then the Lord gave me a word for them, that this dedication was not the ending but the beginning for the ?Good Samaritan Chapel.? When I prayed the prayer of dedication the Glory of God fell on all the saints, which are the Church, not the building.

Three buses were used.

Youth choir singing at dedication. Many are our Bible College students
 The building is the place where the church gathers to worship God. The next day Marge and I joined the local saints, next to the church building and had another ground breaking service for the parsonage for Jim and Darla Snipe. They asked me to dedicate the house on our next visit to Japan. Even if they have moved into it, they still want us to do so. At the time of this writing the church building is paid in full and 85% of the cost of building of the parsonage. We also ministered in other meetings and locations.

Marge Abram in her Japanese Kimono, ?Happy Coat?.

Along with teaching the Word, Tony shares a mission story as an example.

Another highlight was again Marge and I had the privilege of teaching in our Bible College. We could see the growth in the students. Both Marge and I count it as a blessing to be able to impart some of the knowledge God has given us over the 46 years of international ministry. We had a service with a Korean Japanese Pastor who we ordained 4 months previously at Aoki sensei?s church. Lydia sensei has a small but growing congregation in downtown Osaka. It was in this meeting we gave a certificate to her. She was so happy. We prayed and ministered a special word to her. God has given us much favor with the Japanese people.

Marge Abram teaching these Japanese students. They are great for taking notes

Marge singing at Dedication with
Japanese words on screen

Tony and Marge at parsonage ground breaking with saints

Left to right: Aoki sensei, Yumiko sensei, Lydia sensei, Tony and Marge

They would like for us to remain full time in Japan to help them. However, as much as we would like to, yet, our call from God is to go to the nations and spread the Good News of the Gospel.

Say not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. (John 4:35 KJV)


Left to right: Jim, his sister Debbie, Darla and Mike.

This is why Marge and I, with your prayers, help to keep us going for Jesus.

God bless you and yours is our daily prayer. In His Service, Tony and Marge Abram
3 John 2.

God bless you all. Tony & Marge Abram.

Sumoto Chapel, Awaji, Japan.


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