Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

India Outreach and World Ministry Report!
Vol 45 #10

INDIA: We are committed to help support the 3-year Bible College in India with Rev. Harley Fiddler with $1,000.00 per month, which is about 1/3 of the monthly budget.

We are turning out such fine wonderful workers that are going to the front lines of evangelism in India. The Harvest is very great in India. We have taken on these six new workers and in most cases their wives with $125.00 per month.

We will support them for one to two years or less when they will become self-supporting. The 6 couples are going into new areas where there is no Christian Church and are doing evangelism and planting churches.

Indian Bible College
One of our Indian Bible College Graduation services in Kerala, South India

Indian Bible College
Our newest 4 story Indian Bible College building

Tony preaching
Evangelist leading souls to Christ telling them to place their hands over their hearts as they pray the Sinner?s Prayer.

The photos below are of #1 Binilk and Jomol Varghese.  This couple we are now supporting are working for the Lord in the area of Lakkad, India. Photo #2 is of Jerry and Beena Joy.  This couple we are now supporting, are working for the Lord in the area of Kalikavu, India. 

Photo #3 is of Tommy and Shyni and their sons, Albin and Ebin we now support, are working for the Lord in the area of Pookkottumpadam, India.  Photo #4 is that of George and Mary whom we now support, are working for the Lord in the Work Station of Arikandompak, India.

Photo #5 is of Rajesh and Rateena Kumar and their daughter Jaimima are working in the area of Iringattiri, India. We are supporting all these workers now with $125.00 per month.  Photo #6 is of Shibu and Mini and their children Mabin and Blessy are ministering for Jesus in evangelism and church planting in the aria of Wynad, India.

We believe the next group of students who will be coming out of our 3-year Bible College, will be of the same fine quality ministers as these which have graduated. 

India will soon surpass China in population with already over 1.1 billion people.  The Harvest is very great in India.  With these six additional workers, it makes our India budget for Bible College and Workers to $1750.00 per month.

Thank you for your part in helping us with this work in India.  These are the main areas we are involved in India. However, on a monthly basis we are also involved in Ukraine, Russia, Bulgaria, Japan, China, Taiwan, Uganda and South Africa, Mexico, Central and South America and other parts of Asia, to a lesser extent. 

Pray that the Holy Spirit will always lead us.

binilk and jomol
#1 Binilk and Jomol Varghese. This couple we are now supporting, are working for the Lord in the area of Lakkad, India

jerry and beena
#2 Jerry and Beena Joy. This couple we are now supporting are working for the Lord in the area of Kalikavu, India

Please remember to give God all the Glory for all these outreaches: Marge and I will have been married 46 years this November 20th.  God has enabled our ministry to do 46 years of missionary evangelism on every continent.  I tell her that it will be worth it all when we see Jesus! 

You have an important part in this ministry as you have stood in faith with us in soul winning, planting churches and raising up leaders and workers through teaching the Word in seminars, schools and other means of outreaches to the nations.  This is ministry you are helping us with your prayers and faith. We do not know what new doors of opportunity God may yet open for us.

We feel that giving what we have received is God?s plan in sowing and reaping with more to give. About 4 years ago, I was praying concerning Marge and my ministry, that God would do more in our latter years than in our former years.

seminar and conference
One of our Indian minister?s seminar and conference

tony sharing the word
Tony Abram teaching and preaching the Word to Indians

The Lord spoke to my heart, that in addition to our present ministry of soul winning, planting churches and raising up disciples through teaching, He was also going to make us dispensers of His finances.  I believe that through the 46 years of World Evangelism, we have learned from the Lord and through experience where finances can bring the best results in the harvest fields of God.

We continue to use the promise in James 1:5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.  We need His wisdom and His leading in all we do. Rom 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.  We do not know exactly how God is going to do it.

tommy and shyni
#3 Tommy and Shyni and their sons, Albin and Ebin, we now support, are working for the Lord in the area of
Pookkottumpadam, India

george and mary
#4 George and Mary. This couple we now support, are working for the Lord in the Work Station of
Arikandompak, India.

However, I believe God?s Word to me is that we will, through Him, and people just like you, carry on the Work of God in Missionary Evangelism.  God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

We close this newsletter with a promise God made real to Marge and she shared it with me.

Psalms 71:17 O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. 18 Now also when I am old and greyheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have showed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to every one that is to come.

This was a wonderful prayer by King David. We want to make it ours too!

rajesh and rateena
#5 Rajesh and Rateena Kumar and their daughter Jaimima are working in the area of Iringattiri, India. We are supporting all these workers now with $125.00 per month.

shibu and mini
#6 Shibu and Mini and their children Mabin and Blessy are ministering for Jesus in evangelism and church planting in the aria of Wynad, India

tony and harley
Partner and long time friend in Indian ministry outreaches, Tony Abram and Evangelist Harley Fiddler from Ohio

Please check out our website at www.tonyabram.com.

You can find much information there, including our ?GOOD NEWS? in color, plus sermons and all the associate evangelists working with us in the ministry of WORLD EVANGELISM.

There is a place where you can also put your prayer requests.

We would also like your email address to send you special prayer requests from time to time and to remind you that you can find a new sermon or ?GOOD NEWS? report listed on the site.  You will not receive Spam from this ministry.

Love, Tony and Marge Abram.


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