Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Opening School No. 21 in Ukraine and No. 22 in Russia!
Plus India Report!
Vol 45 #1

Marge and I were happy to get to Kharkov.  As usual it was a long trip with a bit of hassle with our luggage.  It caused us not to get to the apartment we were staying until 4AM.  This is after traveling for over 30 hours. However, at least we had our luggage.  In July my suitcase arrived the morning I was leaving.  I picked it up and put it back on.  We still have the victory.
class 21 tony teaching
CLASS NO. 21 IN Kharkov, Ukraine.   |  Tony Abram teaches the Word!

The School opened a few days before we got there with Evangelist Marcie Loboki from Ohio. She and her husband live a short distance from Evangelist Harley Fiddler.

While we were getting the Kharkov school going, Walter Zygarewicz was in the southern city of Krasnadar, Russia opening School No. 22.  They were having a lot of opposition there from the authorities. Russia is much more difficult for ministry than Ukraine.

marge teaching
Marge Abram teaches the Word!

However, Romans 8:31 (AMP) What then shall we say to [all] this? If God is for us, who [can be] against us? [Who can be our foe, if God is on our side?]

We have over one hundred eutectic students in our Kharkov School and a little less in the Russian School.

We believe God is going to raise us many soul winners from these two schools.

We have many fine anointed teachers coming from the USA and Canada.

We have five Africans who speak Russian attending our Kharkov School.

We were on this trip able to buy one large building in Russia for two thousand dollars and we took on three new workers who are winning souls with one hundred dollars per month.

Marge with Svetlana a former Scientist
who helped put Mier into space, now serving God.

ukraine camp meeting
Altar call earlier in year in Ukrainian camp meeting

We are giving each thirty three dollars per month. This is only partial support. We are doing this for over fifty workers in Russia and Ukraine.

This enables them to be in full time ministry for the Lord with what they receive. I was touched by one student who wanted to give me a offering.

It is the only second time this has happened in the former USSR. It was about equal to eight US dollars. Even though I knew he needed it more than we, I knew God is going to multiply it back many times more.

Tony with Sasha, who we appointed Dean of School # 21.
Sorry for the picture quality!

Marge with Nadia, Vitaly?s wife.

vadim and tanya
Marge with Vadim & Tanya through who we now support 18 workers in Ukraine.

house number 136
This is building No. 136 we purchased for a church
in Matveyevo Russia.


house number
We purchased this large building and large piece of ground is $2600. The costs of similar buildings in better shape are 15K to 17K in the same town. They say they can bring it up to shape with minimal costs. It is located in Matveyevo Kurganye, Russia.

We are involved in missions in many parts of the world,
Africa, Asia, Europe, Central and South America!

As you know we work with a children's ministries in India.  We heard from our English friends working with children that their children's home were in need of Mattresses. They needed 100 mattresses.

matteresses for india
When the first set of Junior Mattresses arrived in India, the small boys are thanking God for the provision. God bless you for helping us help meet needs like this. God bless Vince and Polly?

We were able to buy 10 small child ones for $300.00 (150 pounds) and 5 standard ones for $200.00 (100 pounds) and 5 normal mattresses for $300.00 (150 pounds).

We have heard that all the need for mattresses have been met.


We are continuing to support the 3 years Bible College in Southern India.

Rejoice with us as our last graduation that we had part in, 23 of the 24 graduates have planted new churches in new areas of India.

Praise the Lord!

young indian boys
Orphans in India praising God!

Through the ministry of Harley Fiddler we are continuing to help monthly with the support of the Bible College and the support of a number of elementary schools in southern India reaching the young unreached with the message of Christ.

young indian gilrs
Precious Indian girls smile for you


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