Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

JAPAN Groundbreaking report
Vol 45 #2 

Our most recent time in Japan was filled with great joy. Not only did we have wonderful ministry in our preaching services, teaching at the Good Samaritan Bible College, but also we led the groundbreaking service for Missionaries Jim and Darla Snipe. It took place on the Island of Awaji, in the city of Sumoto. The groundbreaking was for the building of a new church, kindergarten and parsonage.

Tony Abram speaks at the groundbreaking service.

Marge Abram sings and shares

The cost of this project is about one million American dollars. We have pledged eleven thousand dollars toward this project with the help of the Lord. This is quite an undertaking for Japan, Jim and Darla and even for our pledge support, however, with God all things are possible. Jim Snipe wrote this about how the Japanese normally have ground breaking ceremonies.

In a traditional Japanese ceremony a Shinto priest is hired to perform the ceremony. In the first part of the ceremony the ?ground god? is summoned. After the priest pays respects to the god it is returned to the ground. Then the priest prays for the safety of the construction workers and to appease the god, who is about to have the earth around him seriously interfered with.

Jim Snipe, Tony & Aoki sensei break ground.

Sumoto Chapel is filled to capacity for services.

A scythe, pick and shovel are used in the ceremony. Interestingly, grunting is a an important part of the ceremony as the various implements are used. The ceremony is completed with a toast of fine Japanese sake.? (rice wine) Jim writes further: ?Sunday was a very exciting day for Sumoto Chapel.

Darla Snipes prays at the ceremony.

Our chapel was very full for the Sunday service. (Tony and Marge blessed the people with their anointed ministry. Aoki sensei did the interpreting.) We then went to our new church site for the groundbreaking ceremony.

The site had been cleaned and about 6 inches (15cm) of clean fill had been spread over the site. A tent for people had been prepared on the site for the ceremony. Tony Abram preached and then Tony had Jim Snipe and Aoki sensei join him with shovels at the same time.

(Tony told us which end of the shovel to stick in the ground. Everyone laughed.)

I then shared about how God led us to Japan, to Awaji and to the church site. Tony then prayed for everyone including the workers and contractor. Then we went from house to house giving a small gift from the chapel and a picture of the future church with scripture and an invitation for their children to attend the kindergarten and for them to come to the church. Jim further told us the people of Japan never saw a groundbreaking ceremony like we conducted. Aoki sensei said that we had brought a new standard to Japan. They have asked us to return to teach at the Bible College when we can also lead the dedication of the new church building.

Marge Abram with Yumiko sensei teaching at the Bible College with some of the high school joining in to hear Marge teach the Word.

Computer printout of the future building and grounds

One humorous event was that we were invited by the owners of the Awaji Hotel to have a special dinner. It was very nice except for some of the raw things. Marge would place her raw shrimp and squid on my plate when I was not looking. The owners are friends of Jim and Darla but as yet not believers. However, we believe God will save them.

The Japanese love to hear Marge sing.
Here she sings with the words in Japanese on the overhead.

We led in the dedication of the Good Samaritan Church when it was completed some years ago in Kawanishi, Osaka, Japan. It is one of the largest churches in western Japan with its 12 year Christian School and now Bible College.

They also have planted a number of new works in Japan. All the ministry was very good in Japan. We know what success we have is due to the prayers of the saints that carry us and our ministry with prayer and faith.

Please continue to pray for us. The Good Samaritan Bible College, though small, is going well, being the first year of the three year college.

The elderly are very happy when Marge comes to minister to them.

 I am the acting President of the Bible College. All of my lessons this time were on faith. Marge taught Personal Work and Personal Ministry.

She also sang in the services and had special meetings with the senior ladies. They all seemed to love ?Marge sensei,? as they are call her.

It was good also to see Martha Heimsoth, the growth not only in her language skills, but also in spiritual and ministry areas of her life.

Here she shares with the ladies
and they share cake and tea with her.

Another highlight of ministry was the ordaining of more workers for the ministry in Japan.

We are believing that in these last days, God is raising up a great spiritual army that is going to sweep the islands of Japan.

I am praying that Japan would become a great exporter of Christian workers, evangelists and missionaries to the whole world.

Aoki sensei, Yumiko sensei, son and mother we ordained
to the ministry, Marge and Tony stand together after the ceremony

I have said many times that I believe Japan is a key to great revival for Asia along with Taiwan. We want to continue to be about our Heavenly Father's Business.

God bless you and yours is our daily prayer

Martha Heimsoth preaches to youth
(sorry Martha for the picture...)

Mark 16:15 Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.


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