Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Vol 44 #6

The trip to the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan was long and uneventful. It is said that only 1% of Japan are Christians. Yet, according to a poll taken two years ago, there are more than 50% of the Japanese, who said that if they had to choose a God to serve, it would be the Christian God - Jesus.

I believe that there must be much seed planted in the hearts of the Japanese people waiting for the ?Latter Rain? to be poured out to bring forth the Great Last Day Harvest.

men in need of both spiritual and natural help.
Skid row, Osaka, men in need of both spiritual and natural help.
They crowded in and are very attentive to the Gospel of Christ.

1 Cor 3:6 (KJV) "I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
1 Cor 3:7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase."

We always appreciate the kindness and love of the Japanese believers. The whole nation is neat, clean and polite. I am glad we have learned to enjoy most Japanese food.

Marge Abram teaching bible students
Marge Abram teaching
the Bible Students.

Marge Abram sings the Gospel
Marge Abram sings the Gospel
to the Japanese

Tony Abram stands with the mission workers
Tony Abram stands with the
mission workers after ministry

We helped to open a new two-year ?Good Samaritan Bible College,? the first class being called the ?Alpha Class.? I was asked to be the president of the school (I believe mostly in a figurehead position).

However, our first ministry on this mission to Japan was in the ?Skid Row? of the city of Osaka. The hall was packed with men like ?sardines in a can.? The Holy Spirit touched many as we preached Jesus Christ to them.

Tony and Marge with Sister Hall, Yumiko sensei & Aoki sensei, Yoshiko sensei and Bishop Hall.
Tony and Marge with Sister Hall, Yumiko sensei & Aoki sensei, Yoshiko sensei and Bishop Hall.

Tony Abram preaches and Aoki sensei looks on
Tony Abram preaches and Aoki sensei looks on
as he interprets the message.

Then we had an outreach crusade during ?Holy Week? through Easter, which I prefer to call ?Resurrection Sunday.? We once again were called upon to do ?Apostolic Ministry? as we ordained a number of workers in Japan. Then on Monday we opened the Bible College in the upstairs auditorium of the Good Samaritan Church. It was also the opening of the new semester of the Church School, grades 1 to 12. Seven years ago they started with only 4 students, now about 100 are attending the Christian School. They have a fine school building and are raising us many future Christian Leaders for Japan.

The Japanese love Marge very much. Here are workers
The Japanese love Marge very much. Here are workers
standing for a photo with her.

Tony Abram with Aoki sensei teaching the bible
Tony Abram with Aoki sensei
teaching the Bible school students.

Tony Abram with Japanese ministers ordaining
Tony Abram with Japanese ministers ordaining
a good number of workers.

Part of the crowd for the Okinawa meeting
Part of the crowd for the
Okinawa Outreach meeting in Okinawa

We took part in the festivities of the opening.  Martha Heimsoth of Indiana, who is a teacher and youth minister in the school, is also a student in the Bible College.

It is a marvel how she has learned the Japanese language. She speaks, reads and will no doubt be able to interpret in the near future.

When she was seventeen years old she became the youngest missionary to be given a visa by the Japanese government. 

God used us to be instrumental in getting her placed in the Work of God in Japan.

Martha Heimsoth singing. She is a teacher and youth pastor
Martha Heimsoth singing. She is a teacher and youth pastor

Jim and Darla Snipe stand on the land they are claiming for their work in Japan   Praying over and claiming the land
Jim and Darla Snipe stand on the land they are claiming for their work in Japan  |  Praying over and claiming the land

We were taken by Aoki sensei to Sumoto on Awaji Island where Jim and Darla Snipe pastor the small but growing Good Samaritan Chapel.  Yet, it is the second largest church on the island of almost a million people.

We went to pray over the land they are trying to buy to build a kindergarten, church and parsonage on. They have fixed the total cost at $900,000US dollars, (1 million Canadian dollars or 500,000 UK pounds) which is about the cost of a nice house in many parts of the world.

By faith, our ministry has pledged 5,000 dollars toward this project. Jim and Darla are our associate ministers in Japan. Do pray God will help them raise the funds for this needed project. There is a great spiritual need on the Island.

 Japanese Fire Truck. It is so small
Tony just had to take a picture of this Japanese Fire Truck. It is so small!

Cherry blossom time in Japan. Marge is enjoying the sight.
Cherry blossom time in Japan. Marge is enjoying the sight.

Then after another solid week of lectures, teaching and ministry, we rose at 4 AM to fly 2 hours to Okinawa, Japan. We had an Okinawa Island Outreach with both the Japanese and English speaking people of the island. (There are a number of US military bases there.) The outreach was in a large center with TV screens in another overflow hall.

Aoki sensei and his wife Yumiko sensei came with us. They are the founders and senior pastors of the Good Samaritan Church near Osaka where Marge and I are Honorary Pastors. I consider him the best interpreter in Japan. We also had ministry with a local Japanese church where in the past we ordained the pastor and some other ministers.

They are looking to build or buy a larger building. Though there have been many attacks of the devil, they are growing very fast. We were so crowded I could hardly find room to stand while preaching and praying for those who responded to the Gospel. Please pray for Japan. A great revival is yet to come and I believe that it is coming soon. God bless you!

he local church is packed with standing room only in Okinawa
he local church is packed with standing room only in Okinawa. They need another building

Yoshiko sensei and Bishop Hall of USA worked together
Yoshiko sensei and Bishop Hall of USA worked together
to put on the Okinawa Outreach for us.

Mark 16:15 Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.


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