Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

16th Basic Bible School Report and purchase of
five Church buildings in Ukraine, total now 104!
Vol 43 #7

Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest. - Luke 10:2 KJV

What a joy to teach and graduate 122 students from our 16th three-month intensive Basic Bible School.  It was wonderful to see the 150 plus workers even more enthusiastic than ever in the study of the Word of God.  Some teachers were amazed and surprised to see how intensive the students still were after days of study week after week.

Tony Abram teaching, note that we had to even use platform
Tony Abram teaching, note that we had to even use
the platform to seat the students.

The students listen intently taking notes of the teaching.
The students listen intently taking notes of the teaching.

We believe God will raise up many of the 5-fold ministry found in Eph 4:11 - "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers"; we believe they will be used of God to bring forth a great harvest of precious souls.

Proudly holding up their certificates of Bible Study!
Proudly holding up their certificates of Bible Study!

Wall to wall students in every session
Wall to wall students in every session

As usual it was a joy to work with Walter Zygarewicz of Global Vision, who has done a wonderful job of ministry in co-coordinating all 16 schools.  Joining us was Harley Fiddler of Focus Ministries.  Brother Harley has always been a blessing teaching in the schools. We have worked with these two brothers in many parts of the world. They are true men and servants of God with a burning vision for the lost. I believe that is the reason Marge and I have worked in such close harmony with them. Truly we are all workers together with Christ.

Two photos are needed to see the school we purchased for a church
Two photos are needed to see the school we purchased for a church

Building #102 in Solidar. The total was $8,000.00
Building #102 in Solidar. The total was $8,000.00

We thank God for all the anointed ministries that came and taught at this 16th School.

  Ken Hart of the United Kingdom
Ken Hart of the United Kingdom

In addition to myself, there was

- Walter Zygarewicz (USA),
- Harley Fiddler (USA),
- Ken Hart (England),
- Jairo Leandro (Canada),
- Darrell Peregrym along with
- Steve Fedow, (Marge?s stepbrother-Canada),
- Albert Ramirez (USA),
- Ernie Weaver (USA),
- Marcie and Walter Labocki (USA),
- Jim Deavers (USA),
- Ernest Weaver (USA),
- Gaius Lawrence (Japan), and
- Bob Harman (USA).

These ministers, combined with their gifting, made up the 5 fold ministry of Ephesians 4:11. These all invested a part of their God given ministries into the hearts of these students and future workers in the vineyard of the Lord. In the special services, we had, in addition to the school, see people come to Christ being healed and blessed.

Tony Abram teaches the Word of God! 
Tony Abram teaches the Word of God!

Harley Fiddler teaches with interpreter Sergi.
Harley Fiddler teaches with interpreter Sergi.

Also, among the students we heard many testimonies of victory. Some were bringing souls to Christ telling how that their lives had been changed from victory to victory. There were some wonderful testimonies of healing, etc. It seemed they could hardly wait to get going with the knowledge they received from the Word of God.  In addition to giving out 122 certificates we gave each student our latest book in Russian, our revised edition of ?Secrets to Successful Christian Living.?

A visit to the orphanage that we help
A visit to the orphanage that we help   

Walter Zygarewicz teaches in Ukraine.
  Walter Zygarewicz teaches in Ukraine.

We bought this building and planted this church last year.
We bought this building and planted this church last year.

We also were able to purchase 5 more buildings for church buildings. This makes a total of 104 buildings our ministry has purchased these past 12 years in the former USSR; Marge?s stepbrother who was in Ukraine for several weeks with Pastor Darrell, was touched by the needs of the ministry and people. He gave the $700.00 for building #100 plus another $300.00 for remodeling work in Torkrino, Crimea. 

Also though our ministry, he gave money to help buy another van for the work of God in Crimea.  We were glad to pass the offering on in his behalf.  Marge and I have, over the years, striven to be wise and good stewards. 

We praise God for each of you who pray for us and have confidence in our ministry to invest through it.

This is building No. 100 for $700.00 in Torkrino, Crimea, Ukraine.
This is building No. 100 for $700.00 in Torkrino, Crimea, Ukraine.

We are also continuing to help over 50 workers in Ukraine and Russia. In most cases it is as little as $15 a month up to a maximum of $125 per month. However, it makes it possible for them to work full time for the Lord. We are able, with your support, to help several orphanages in Ukraine. In Molochanoye, Poltava area we purchased building #101 for only $950.00.

In Kharkov area we purchased #102 building for a church for $900.00. We bought building #103 together in Solidar, Slovyansk, Donetsk with Harley Fiddler, Walter Zygarewicz and Ken Hart raised $3,000.00 of the total $8,000.00 to pay for and remodel it.

Building #104 costs $1,200.00 and is in Kropotkino. We all purchased these by faith. We are glad to say that at this writing over 100 of the buildings we have purchased for churches are paid in full.

Building #104 purchased in Kropotkin, Crimea, for $1200.00
Building #104 purchased in Kropotkin, Crimea, for $1200.00

Buildings #101 purchased for $950.00 in Molochnoye, Poltava.
Buildings #101 purchased for $950.00 in Molochnoye, Poltava.

I look back over the past dozen years and think how God has provided all types of buildings for meeting places. Stores, restaurants, social halls, theaters, a post office, schools and other types of buildings but mostly houses have been turned into HOUSES OF PRAYER. PRAISE GOD! God bless you for your prayers and faithfulness!

We know on that last day we will share together as Workers with Him.

God bless you and yours.  Tony and Marge Abram.


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