Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Vol 43 #6

What a difference in weather between Ukraine with snow, wind and -15F (-26C) degrees and Taiwan, Republic of China with 80F degrees, (30C) sun and humidity. However, like Ukraine, we experienced the blessing of the Lord. I believe it is because you, are praying for us. We had meetings scheduled every day, seeing God move by His Spirit.

chinese people are hungry to hear about Jesus
The hall is filled and people are sitting on the balcony steps.
These Chinese are hungry to hear the Word!

Writing you this Good News Report, sharing some of the things God did by His Spirit is to encourage you to praise the Lord and keep us in prayer for the harvest of Chinese souls. Praise the Lord! If you like to see this report in full color, please check out the ?Good News Report? under the link 'Good News' on our website at www.abundantlifecrusades.com.

marge exhorts to receive Jesus now
Marge Abram exhorts the people
to receive NOW!

recieving Jesus
Tony leading Chinese to the Living Christ!

It was good to work again with John and Hyoncha Clark. They have been our representatives and Associate Evangelists for Abundant Life Crusades in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China and Southeast Asia. They have also been friends of ours since 1979, when a wonderful relationship began in friendship and ministry with them, their family and church in Mountlake Terrace, Washington. (Just north of Seattle) Missionaries John and Hyoncha Clark have spent the past 20 years of their lives as missionaries to the country of Taiwan. They, along with Pastor and Sister Chen planned our itinerary in Taiwan. All of our ministry and crusades except one, was held with the Presbyterian churches. They are the oldest church, having sent the first missionaries to Taiwan formerly Formosa. We were in the largest Presbyterian Church building in the country. In the past we were the first foreigners to preach in many of their churches. We have preached in their oldest and largest churches in  Taiwan.

prayer is powerful
Tony and Marge say there is no greater joy in the ministry than leading souls to Christ!

In the past we have spoken in their school of around 7,000 students. However, God is no respecter of persons. Acts 10:34. He moved in every crusade and service. Hundreds of people came forward to receive from the Living Christ. Where we would begin to minister, the Holy Spirit would fall upon these precious Chinese people, many and in some cases most of them would be ?slain? under the power of the Holy Spirit.

It made me think of the early church in the second chapter of Acts. People received Christ, they were healed, filled with the Spirit and had their petitions answered. Our one other outreach was with Dr. Tien. He not only heads up a seven-story hospital but also owns it. He has used one whole floor for a Chapel. Seven years ago Marge and I prayed over the building and the area that was to be a Chapel.

.john and hyoncha
John and Hyoncha Clark,
our representatives for Taiwan and China.

taiwan team
Workers together with Christ! Left to right: Tony, Marge,
Sister Chen, Pastor Chen and John and Hyoncha Clark

Although many outsiders attended the outreach, Dr. Tien had many of his patients (some hopeless), brought to the meeting for prayer. I do not know if I have ever prayed over more people on wheel chairs in a meeting. Dr. Tien tells that many of his hopeless cases have been healed through prayer in his hospital. Sister Mistsi, a faith handmaiden of the Lord, age over 90 years, was in the meeting.

john clarks books
Tony tells the folks of John Clark?s
book for the Chinese people.

marge sings
Marge sings and the people are blessed.

 She worked with Sister Ruth Helgeson for many years in Taiwan. When we first came to Taiwan in 1977 and had that great National Outreach, both of them were such a blessing. We just found out on this mission trip that Sister Helgeson passed away last year. Our loss but heavens gain! What a day that will be when we see Jesus and all the Saints who served Him though the ages. We also want to be faithful each day of our lives.

slain in the spirit
Many fall out in the spirit and are healed
and filled with the Holy Spirit.

map of taiwan
We were evangelizing in southwestern Taiwan, near T'ai-nan

Here is a little information about Taiwan. The population of Taiwan is 22,894,384 (July 2005) and is located in Eastern Asia, islands bordering the East China Sea, Philippine Sea, South China Sea, and Taiwan Strait, north of the Philippines, off the southeastern coast of China slightly smaller than Maryland and Delaware combined. In 1895, military defeat forced China to cede Taiwan to Japan. Taiwan reverted to Chinese control after World War II. Following the Communist victory on the mainland in 1949, 2 million Nationalists fled to Taiwan and established a government using the 1946 constitution drawn up for all of China. Over the next five decades, the ruling authorities gradually democratized and incorporated the native population within the governing structure. In 2000, Taiwan underwent its first peaceful transfer of power from the Nationalist to the Democratic Progressive Party. Throughout this period, the island prospered and became one of East Asia's economic "Tigers." The dominant political issues continue to be the relationship between Taiwan and China - specifically the question of eventual unification - as well as domestic political and economic reform.

Tony sits here and prays for the needs, so many, he weakened

Marge with women leaders.

We believe Taiwan is a key to continue to evangelize the huge country of China. Pray for our brethren in both countries. God bless you and yours. Your missionaries to the Nations, Tony and Marge Abram. 3 JOHN 2

hospital ministry
Ministry in the Christian hospital.

taiwan team
Taiwan ministry team with Tony and Marge

Please continue to pray for us as we try to do what He wants us to do. We all want to hear Him say on that last day, Mat 25:21 Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.

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