Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Vol 44 #1  (sorry if some pictures did not come out clear, working on it)

We were very glad to return again to Japan.  It was difficult to believe that a year had passed since we were last there.  We were met by Aoki sensei and Yumiko sensei.  We stayed with them when we first arrived and during the ministry we had at their church and area.

In addition to the four of us there was their daughter and son in law with their 5 children and Martha Heimsoth. She is the young lady we were able to place in the ministry in Japan.  She is the youngest missionary we have helped find a field to work in.

tony ministering in japan
Tony Abram with Aoki sensei minister to those who have come forward to receive from the Lord!

She came to Japan two years ago at only 17 years of age, fresh out of high school. She told us that the night before I called her on the phone and asked if she wanted to go to Japan to serve as a teacher to Japanese children in a Church School.

She said the night before that she was talking with one of her sisters and even crying out to the Lord, ?What am I going to do??

marge and martha
Marge and Martha Heimsoth

ready to preach
Your missionary evangelists Tony and Marge Abram
ready to minister the Word!

The next day I phoned and asked her if she wanted to go to Japan. We had placed her sister Lynette for a term previously in Japan. She said she knew this was the Will of God.  Best of all, the children and people love her and she is doing a wonderful work in Jesus Name.

Martha has had a great improvement in her language skills. Japanese youth are blessed by her ministry. Her parents pastor in Indiana. They and their family are very dear to Marge and me.  Her father?s church has sent out over 4,000 packages to Africa on behalf of the requests that have been made to our ministry.

Now they are handling much of our website requests.  Her father and mother and her older sister Michelle have recently been in Ukraine teaching in our schools there.

blowing the shofar
Jim Snipe still blowing the shofar.

kumi, jay, jim and darla
Kumi, and Jay, son and daughter in law to Jim and Darla Snipe.

Our first outreach was in the center of Osaka.Praise God, the attendance was wonderful!  Best of all was that many souls came to Christ and God confirmed His Word with healings, including a cancer healing. Glory to God!

listening hearts
This is a large crowd for an outreach and if you are planting a church in Japan.
This is how Aoki sensei?s church started and is now the fastest growing in western Japan.

Our next outreach was with our associate evangelists in Japan, Jim and Darla Snipe, on the Island of Awaji. We had a wonderful time of ministry and Darla Snipe interpreted for us. We thank God for the great improvement in her language skills.

marge and darla
Marge with Darla Snipe translating.

One humorous event was that we were invited by the owners of the Awaji Hotel to have a special dinner. It was very nice except for some of the raw things.

Marge would place her raw shrimp and squid on my plate when I was not looking.

The owners are friends of Jim and Darla but as yet not believers. However, we believe God will save them.

outreach service in japan
Outreach service in Inagawa, Japan.

We then traveled back to Inagawa for our final scheduled ministry with the Aokis. Our outreach ministry was blessed by the anointing of the Spirit.

tony preaching
Tony preaches with a corsage given to him

tourists ;-)
Tony and Marge taking a break.

   maurice sklar ministering

The first day of the out reach we had Brother Maurice Sklar and his wife. He played and ministered with his violin.

He played for Brother Benny Hinn for a number of years in his crusades and TV ministry.

 He is now on his own and he was a blessing. We only had him for one service. He is also Jewish and we had good fellowship with him.

<-- Violinist Maurice Sklar ministered in our meeting. He was with Benny Hinn for years.

beautiful smile form sapna
Darla Snipe, Marge Abram and Sapna Jain.

We also met Sapna Jain from Seattle. She is a doctor who gave up her practice and went by faith to Japan. We helped her a little with some contacts.

t was good to have some fellowship with her. She told of the blessings of the Lord and that God was going to do great things in Japan. 

Her father, mother and family do ministry in India. Her folks were born there.

uumiko snesi and yamamotos
Yumiko sensei with the Yamamotos, our dear Japanese friends.

brother tony abram
Tony Abram

Thank you for the part you have in our ministry.  God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

Mark 16:15 Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.


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