Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXXII No. 10 (loading time: 1:24mins via 56K modem)

Arriving in Johannesburg, South Africa, after flying for over 22 hours in the air on 3 different planes, taking almost 36 hours in total, left Marge and I very tired and stiff.  We were crowded on those small coach seats but we were rejoicing that God had brought us safely.  We were expecting great things from God.

Tony Abram preaches in crusades in South Africa.
Tony Abram preaches in crusades in South Africa.

Tony Abram leads Africans to Christ!
Tony Abram leads Africans to Christ!

Brother Harley Fiddler of Focus Ministries from Ohio flew with us. It was hard to believe that over a year had passed since we were last in Africa. Our arrival was at midnight and our seminar began the next morning. We had four meetings lasting all day, then a crusade service at night

Coming off a trip like that makes one wonder how we could do it. We could feel the strength of the Lord flowing into us. Marge reminded me of people like you who were praying daily for us and our ministry in Africa. We still continue to believe that the more people praying for us, the greater the results and harvest will be in our missions.

Harley Fiddler preaches in seminar
Harley Fiddler preaches in seminar

Brother Fiddler and I shared the teaching ministry during the seminar to the ministers and workers. Marge did a fine job in her teaching ministry to the women ministers, minister’s wives and leadership while Harley and I did the teaching to the men.

They want Marge to come back next year and do extended ladies seminars and Harley and me to do the same also for the men.

In the crusade, we saw God stretch forth His hand to heal the sick, but the greatest miracle was the precious souls coming to Christ. There is nothing greater than when a man or woman comes to Jesus and their lives are changed by the power of Christ.

Another highlight of the ministry in South Africa was that Harley and I had the privilege of ordaining 19 workers to the ministry. We do not call ourselves apostles but at times we do Apostolic Work.

We want to be willing to do whatever God wants us to do, go where He wants us to go and finally, be what He wants us to be.

Marge Abram teaches the ladies in women’s seminar
Marge Abram teaches the ladies in women’s seminarMarge teaching Pastor’s wives in seminar
Marge teaching Pastor’s wives in seminar
We ordained 19 ministers to the ministry in South Africa
We ordained 19 ministers to the ministry in South Africa

Pastor Joey Chetty is now our representative in Africa.
Pastor Joey Chetty is now our representative in Africa.

Pastor Joey Chetty, our host pastor and associate evangelist in Africa, is their Bishop or Overseer. He and his associate Johann Brink have been a great blessing to us.

Marge and I first came to South Africa 40 years ago and 41 years ago we were to North Africa. That is a whole generation ago! This is why we are turning again to Africa to reach this new generation.

South Africa is a key to reaching all of Africa with the Gospel. This is also why we have been working toward having a Basic Bible Training School for leaders in South Africa where leaders from all over Africa can come and be trained in ministry.

We would like to do something like we have done in Ukraine and Russia with Brother Walter Zygarewicz. It is there that over 1,000 workers have been trained for the ministry and where over 95% of those trained are in ministry.

We can do the same in Africa. Pastor Joey Chetty is our associate minister there and already has a Christian School, a Feeding Program and Literature Distribution Center. We do not know just when we will be able to begin the school but we know that vision comes first.

Pastor Joey shows Tony and Harley the depot and supply of literature for Africa
Pastor Joey shows Tony and Harley the depot
and supply of literature for Africa.

They listen for hours to the Word of God!
They listen for hours to the Word of God!
Tony preaches!
Tony preaches!

Please continue to pray for us. Next month we will be sharing the Zambian ministry with you. It was truly wonderful. Thousands attended the open-air crusade and hundreds would run forward when the invitation to receive Christ was given. The ministers and leadership seminar there was truly wonderful also. 

Souls coming to the Living Jesus!
Souls coming to the Living Jesus!

Tony leads these repenting hearts in the sinners prayer to receive Jesus
Tony leads these repenting hearts in
the sinners prayer to receive Christ.

Another personal blessing was to see and fellowship with our dear friend of 40 years.  When we first went to Africa, it was Jessie Knoetze and her husband Vernon and family who gave us a home base to work out of for almost a year. They were such a blessing to us. We had about five hours together to reminisce of past memories.

Tony and Marge with their dear friend of 40 years, Jessie Knoetze
Tony and Marge with their dear friend of 40 years,
Jessie Knoetze of Johannesburg, South Africa

Marge with Priscilla Chetty, wife of Pastor Joey Johann Brink films the seminar for future schools.
Marge with Priscilla Chetty, wife of Pastor Joey and
Johann Brink films the seminar for future schools.

We do ask you to continue to pray for us. Marge and my daily prayer is that we can do more in our latter days than in our former.

Remember, we are workers together with Jesus. Let us continue to pray one for another. We love you all. God bless you. Tony and Marge.

Marge and Harley both sang and blessed the people
Marge and Harley both sang and blessed the people
in the seminar and in the crusade

Marge and Tony answer questions in seminar
Marge and Tony answer questions in seminar

Harley Fiddler, Marge and Tony Abram stand together as the people prayed for them
Harley Fiddler, Marge and Tony Abram stand together
as the people pray for them!

Hundreds come to hear and receive Jesus!
Hundreds come to hear and receive Jesus!

Please continue to pray for Africa and for us. God bless you.

Your missionary evangelists,

Tony & Marge Abram.


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