Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Japan Report 2005
Volume 42 #3

It is difficult for us to believe that exactly one year has passed by since we last had ministry in Japan.

The brethren were anxious for us to return. They were waiting on us to preach, teach, encourage, answer questions and ordain and set forth workers and deacons for the ministry. They wanted us to help them to strengthen churches.

Pray for Japan

The church is packed with precious Japanese believers

Martha Heimsoth with Marge

Martha working with children in church school.

We do not call ourselves apostles but God does have us at times do apostolic work.

We dearly love the Japanese Christians and find that the Japanese are very kind and polite people. They also have a strong desire to keep their country clean.

It was good to see our dear friends, Pastor and Sister Aoki. Then we saw our associate evangelists, Jim and Darla Snipe. They are also representatives for The Abundant Life Crusades ministry to Japan.

Our first meetings on this trip were on the Island of Awaji with them. We were glad to hear and see Martha Heimsoth of Indiana, USA doing so well. She is the youngest missionary we have helped find a field to work in.

She came last year at only 17 years of age, fresh out of High School to Japan.  She told us that the night before I called her on the phone and asked if she wanted to go to Japan to serve as a teacher to Japanese children in a Church School? 

She said that the night before she was talking with one of her sisters and even crying out to the Lord, “What am I going to do?”

The next day I phoned and asked her if she wanted to go to Japan. We had placed her sister for a term previously in Japan. 

She said she knew this was the Lord. Best of all, the children and people love her and she is doing a wonderful work in Jesus Name.


Her parents pastor in Indiana and they and their family are very dear to Marge and I. Martha is still a teenager and has a call of God on her life. Her father’s church is the church that has sent out over 4,000 packages to Africa on behalf of the requests that have been made to our ministry. We have received many requests from Africa for Bibles, tracts and other helps. Her church has been a blessing to our ministry.

Young Japanese worship team

Workers together with Christ., Jim, Darla,
Marge and Tony in Awaji, Japan.

Eating Japanese food, very good!

Jim Snipe blows the Shofar to begin the 20th Year Celebration of the ‘Good Samaritan.’

Darla Snipe interpreted for us and we thank God for the great improvement in her language skills. It was a joy to see Japanese people moved by the Holy Spirit.

We celebrated the 20th anniversary of the Parent church and had a special Japanese dinner.  Our tastes have changed so much since the first time we came to Japan. I remember that I had great difficulty eating some of the Japanese meals. However, now Japanese food is one of my favorites.

We were able to minister to many people with both spiritual and physical needs. God stretched forth His hand to meet many needs. Marge and I have been Honorary Pastors of their church and ‘acting apostle’ for many years now.

The churches seem to love us very much. Aoki sensei and his wife Yumiko are dear friends of ours and have wonderful works in the Osaka area, Kobe and Okinawa areas as well.  They are both very good interpreters and have been a wonderful blessing to our ministry.

From the Osaka area, we flew to Okinawa. The work is growing there. Last year we ordained the pastor and the church is growing so fast we had to set forth four deacons on this trip. They have been baptizing many.

This is a big step in Japan for the Japanese people. God poured out His Spirit in every service, confirming His Word with signs following and His Gifts of the Spirit were in operation. Thank you for the part you have in our ministry.

You are helping us fulfill the calling of God on our lives. God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

We believe that this is the hour when God is doing great and wonderful things for His people.  He is calling His Church to be One People, serving Christ in one team. OUR SUPREME TASK IS THE EVANGELISM OF THE WORLD! LET US ALL BE BUSY ABOUT OUR FATHER’S GOOD BUSINESS!

Mark 16:15- Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to all…

Tony & Marge receive flowers.

Marge holding Japanese baby girl.

Tony holding Japanese baby boy, Yuya

Tony challenging workers before
laying on of hands for ministry.

Ordaining deacons!

Taking the Gospel to the old and young!


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