Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 41 No. 6

Halls are packed like sardines as Tony prepares
to minister the Word of God to Them!

After 3 years of invitations, Marge and I returned to Taiwan.  It was a great joy to see so many of the brethren there we count as friends, serving the Lord with all of their hearts.

We were also glad to have been received so warmly by our dear friends, John and Hyoncha Clark from Seattle, Washington.

They have been missionaries to Taiwan and Asia for the past 14 years with much blessings of God on their lives


Clark Family: John, Hyoncha, Irene & David.

We were there only a matter of a few days, when John Clark’s father and mother, David and Irene Clark, followed us to Taiwan.

You can read about them in last month’s Good News report on Ukraine. We did have one meeting together and had some wonderful fellowship. God opened wonderful doors for our ministry.

We arrived on a Saturday morning and had our first meeting that night in a Methodist Church.  Hungry hearts met us as we taught the Gospel of the Kingdom

We then had ministry in a year old Presbyterian Church where the hall was filled.  We spent up to 2 hours praying for the people after preaching the Word.

Tony Abram leads Chinese to the Lord Jesus Christ who meets all needs.

We also had a crusade meeting that seated 800 people but well over 1,000 attended as people stood in the halls, packed in the balcony and on the stairs.

It looked like several hundred standing outside, were not able to get in.  We even had difficulty getting into the building.

The response was so great!  People came to Jesus. Then when we began to pray for their needs, the Power of God blew on them.

Many were falling but there was no place to do so. Those who did had no catchers. We know if God is doing the Work, we do not have to worry.

Our ministry arranged by John and Hyoncha was blessed in the Taiwan area. It was a great joy to work with them again. We trust to do more in the future, God willing

It was a little sad, when they, along with their parents, David and Irene Clark, took us to the bus depot when we left for Taipei. They waited with us and waved to us as the bus pulled away.

Although, of all travel I like the bus the least, God blessed us for the 5-hour trip with the best bus and seats we have ever had traveling by bus.

We arrived in Taipei in the center of the city in the rain Young Sister Ruth, who would also be our main interpreter in the Taipei area, met us.

<---Tony & Marge wait for bus with suitcases.

Marge and Pastor Nick, both of Ukrainian descent, share together.

She works very close to Brother and Sister Krushnisky. Nick has been a missionary in Taiwan for over 40 years. He speaks good Chinese and is married to a wonderful Chinese woman, Deborah.

We stayed with them and ministered at his church. We were to dedicate their new building but it was not quite ready so we had meetings in their old church building where it was full.

God moved by saving and healing. We went to other places and it was the same, souls coming to Christ, (the greatest and most important) and God confirming the Word with healings. It was wonderful working with these precious brethren. We want to win souls and we must do all we can to reach

Tony leads more Chinese to Jesus!

Do you know that one out of four people in this world are Chinese? 

That is why we are still supporting, through Hong Kong, workers in Mainland China and supplying Bibles through Hong Kong for the brethren in Mainland China.

God spoke to my heart in 1977 that He was going to give our ministry a great harvest of Chinese when I cried out on to Him for Chinese souls.

Even though, over the years, we have had many Chinese come to Jesus, we are expecting an even greater harvest in these last days.

We feel a special burden for Asia. I must be honest; Marge and I feel a burden for the whole world. We want to do all we can, while we can.

Our daily prayer is that our latter days would count more than our former days. Please pray for us!


Pastor Chang, Tony Abram and Pastor Wang. -->

In 1895, military defeat forced China to cede Taiwan to Japan.  It reverted to Chinese control after World War II. Following the Communist victory on the mainland in 1949, 2 million Nationalists fled to Taiwan and established a government using the 1947 constitution drawn up for all of China.  Over the next five decades, the ruling authorities gradually democratized and incorporated the native population within the governing structure.

In 2000, Taiwan underwent its first peaceful transfer of power from the Nationalist to the Democratic Progressive Party. Throughout this period, the island prospered and became one of East Asia's economic "Tigers."  The dominant political issues continue to be the relationship between Taiwan and China.

Tony leads Chinese in Sinner’s Prayer, hands on hearts.

Pray for Taiwan. We believe it can be and is a launching pad to take the Gospel to Mainland China! Pray that God would raise up many workers to take the Good News to them.


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