Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Japan Ministry Report - 2004
Vol 41-4

Praying for Ishi sensei and his wife in their new church plant in Osaka.
Praying for Ishi sensei and his wife in their new church plant in Osaka.

The morning after we arrived in Osaka, Japan, we went to the opening service of a new church plant in downtown Osaka. We also had the opportunity to dedicate Ishi sensei and his wife Noriko sensei as pastors.

We had ordained Ishi sensei a few years ago.  It was wonderful to pray for them. It had been 5 years since we had ordained him to the ministry. Since that time this is the third church that God has used them in a special way.

First time in a Church, receives Jesus!
First time in a church and receives Jesus!

That evening we traveled to the island of Awaji for a few days with our Associate Evangelists, Jim and Darla Snipe.  The Lord blessed the ministry and we were kept quite busy.   One of the highlights was the ordination service in which we ordained Darla Snipe. (It appears the Lord has us doing apostolic work from time to time.)

Marge, Jim & Darla at dinner.
Marge, Jim & Darla at dinner.

Tony & Aoki sensei ordaining Darla Snipe.
Tony & Aoki sensei
ordaining Darla Snipe.

Marge Abram with
Darla Snipe interpreting.

Tony with Ishi sensei and his wife.
Tony with Ishi sensei and his wife.

A missionary attending from Finland told of her leg healing the last time we were in Japan. She now requested prayer for her back. The Spirit of the Lord moved in a wonderful way on this Mission as well.

Before Jim and Darla took us to Inagawa to work with Aoki sensei and his dear wife Yumiko sensei, we were guests at the leading hotel there and believe it or not; we were treated to a dinner at their ‘French Restaurant.’ Jim and Darla have been trying to win the owners to Jesus.

Working with the Aokis is always a great joy and blessing. They are dedicated to the Work of God. One of the titles given to us in Japan is ‘greatest couple in the world.’ However, we think they are a great couple, having given their all to the Lord Jesus. It was a special joy and privilege to have an ordination service in Inagawa as well.

We ordained Yumiko sensei along with two other ministers, Michihito Kaneko sensei, son in law to Aoki sensei and associate pastor and director of the Christian School and Seiji Ikeda sensei pastoring a new church in the Osaka area. God stretched forth His hand in a wonderful way.

We were joined for a few days with Evangelist Harley Fiddler. He had been teaching in Northern Japan at the Christ for the Nations School and joined us for several meetings.

We also did one seminar for Christians together. Working with Harley Fiddler, veteran missionary evangelist and teacher, is always a special blessing to us.

Sensei's Seiji Kaneko & Michihto & Tony

He taught in two Bible Schools in Osaka along with also joining Marge and I in teaching the students of various classes of students at the Christian School.

He is honest, sincere and dedicated. We do not often get many opportunities to work with him.

However, when we do, it is always wonderful ministry and a joy to work with Harley as not only is he always upbeat but also a man filled with the Spirit and Word of God.

We have worked together in Japan, Taiwan, USA, Ukraine, Belarus and India. He started his ministry as a Methodist


 Pastor.Harley Fiddler with his interpreter in Osaka.
Harley Fiddler with his interpreter in Osaka.


Then he served in 1978-1979 as Campus Pastor, Faculty Member and Missions Director at Rhema Bible Training Center of Kenneth Hagin Ministries and in 1983 to 1985, he served on the Faculty and was Dean of Family Ministries at Christ For The Nations in Dallas, Texas.

This, I believe, was the Lord preparing him for the ministry of missionary evangelism. His ministry and outreach is similar to our ministry.

Perhaps that is why our ministries flow together so well.

We left him for further ministry in the Osaka area, to fly to Okinawa, which is located in the south-westernmost end of Japan, consisting of 48 islands, including the main island.

Its climate is mild and humid, and between the summer and autumn seasons, typhoons usually appear.

Harley can sing as well and was a  blessing.

Marge with  Yumiko teaching the children at the School.
Marge with  Yumiko teaching the children
at the School.

Marge worshipping the Lord!

We believe Revival is coming to Japan. God moved in a wonderful way, giving us souls and confirming His Word. Perhaps the greatest miracle we saw was in a service where many manifestations were taking place.

Many were even slain under the power of the Holy Spirit.  A 40-year man came forward with tears. He said he had never been in a Christian church.  He wanted to have what we all had. With tears flowing and saying his heart was on fire, he gave his life to Jesus. Praise the Lord!

We feel this is why God has sent us back to Japan, sometimes more than once a year. God is using us to plant much seed and I believe is some small way we are helping prepare for the coming Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

 We know we are doing the Commission of Jesus found in: Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.  Thank you for your part in helping Marge and I take the Gospel to so many parts of the world over the many years of Missionary Evangelism


<--- Marge playing and singing to the Lord!

Tony preaching in Okinawa!
Tony preaching in Okinawa!

Mat 28:18 "And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Mat 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost"

Mat 28:20 "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."

God bless you and yours.

On behalf of this generation, your friends in the service of Christ,
Tony and Marge Abram
Abundant Life Crusades


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