Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXXII No. 1

Our return to Argentina was with great joy as it was over 20 years since we last had crusades there. Returning almost to the exact location where we had closed our ministry there in the city of General Alviar.

It was there, after having many great crusades across Argentina, that the police or army came with guns and ended our crusade at the stadium before it really got started.   We appealed to President Isabel Peron but to no avail.

mike, tony, and Anatolio
Mike, Tony & Anatolio
(sorry for picture quality)

Tony and Anatolio rejoice over souls coming to Jesus
Tony Abram and Anatolio Rysko rejoice over the souls coming to receive the Living Savior!

We went to court and the judge canceled our permission and ruled that we were practicing medicine without a license!

Flying into Santiago, Chile we met Mike Brandebura having just flown in from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

We then flew together to Mendoza, Argentina where Anatolio Rysko, now also of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, met us along with Pastor Pablo.

We first met Brother Anatolio in Pasados, Argentina when he was a pastor.  We had a great soul winning miracle crusade 35 years ago with him.  It was a overflowing amphitheater meetings with thousands of people attending.  Prior to our crusade at that time, the largest ever in the city had only 400 people gathering. Anatolio now is our official interpreter for Argentina crusades.  He is also our new Associate Evangelist and Representative for South America. He is a precious bother and fellow worker in the Work of God.

Mike Brandebura ministering in church
Bishop Mike Brandebura ministering in a Ukrainian church in Argentina

Brother Mike Brandebura and his wife are also dear friends of ours.

Rev Brandebura is the Bishop of the Slavic Churches in Canada. His part in the crusades was best described by one pastor who said Mike was like my John the Baptist.

He would prepare the people with the Word for about 10 minutes before I would come to preach and minister in the crusade.

He also went to minister with both the Baptist and Pentecostal churches in the area.

Tony with the Mayor of General Alviar
Tony with the Mayor of General Alviar
who welcomed us to his city.

Tony with son of Pastor Sherba. We knew David as a boy.
He came to our crusade.

Tony Abram lays hands on all the workers after the final service.
It was past midnight and the Holy Spirit fell on all of us

It was good to meet pastors we had worked with 30 years ago. We even met workers that were saved 30 years ago in our ministry in Argentina. Pastor Pablo and his wife Maria met us in Paraguay 31 years ago. They now have the largest church and a 24 hour per day Christian radio station

the harvest is ready
The harvest of this generation. Praise God!

Brother Mike preached on their Ukrainian broadcast. So many people were saved in the crusade that now they have a great problem.

Now their 800 seating building cannot hold all the people. They are expanding. There is a large lot next door to their church that they are buying.

Our ministry has invested $2,000.00 (CAD$2500) to help them on their down payment.

We also gave $700.00 to help them feed the poor.  They are feeding more than 150 children and adults every day.

We had such a warm welcome this time, no police arresting us for preaching the Gospel, instead the Mayor came to the crusade to thank us for coming to his city.

buying the land next door to the church to accommodate the huge crowds!

Pastor Pablo, “Where am I to put all people?” Great problem! PTL!

Buying this large lot next door to the church.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life!
Tony & Anatolio point the way
to God via the cross

reporters interviewing Tony   reporters interviewing Tony
Six mikes held by 6 reporters interviewing Tony on why he came to their city!

They came from local TV to interview me for the local news.

I was interviewed by 6 radio stations at the same time.

I have never had so many mikes and tape recorders put in my face at the same time.

We took on the support of a pastor of a new church plant in Union, Argentina with $50.00 per month until they are on their feet. It is a town of about 4,000 people. The most wonderful miracle was seeing hundreds of people coming to Christ during the crusade.

There were all kinds of healings as well. Eyes, ears, backs, legs, growths and most outstanding was a young woman who came to Christ the first night.

She had cancer of the brain. She came forward each night and the last night of the crusade she knew she was healed.

She went to the hospital the next day and the doctors said there was not a trace of cancer. Praise the Lord!

Boy tells of his healing. God healed both young and old.
Boy tells of his healing.
God healed both young and old.

Tony bows his head in thanks for the souls coming to receive Christ.
Tony bows his head in thanks for the souls coming to receive Christ.

One of the reasons the crowds grew each night until there was standing room only, was because of the power of God.

We have made plans for next year to return to General Alviar, Argentina to the very same stadium that we were denied 30 years ago.

We have now booked a new crusade in this stadium as there is not a building large enough to hold the crowds.

God’s timing is the best timing! We believe NOW IS THE TIME FOR THE HARVEST!

One great joy was the special meeting we had with the pastors and workers of the crusade after the closing crusade service. (Our services would end about midnight. No one was in a hurry to go home.) We spoke to them, telling them how much we appreciated all their work in the crusade and then laid hands on each of them.

The Holy Spirit fell in great power. We will be sharing more in next month’s ‘Good News’ in ARGENTINA PART II.

Please continue to pray for us and please join us in praising God, giving Him all the Glory! God bless you.

Your missionaries,
Tony & Marge Abram.

This worker was saved as a young  man 30 years ago in
This worker was saved as a young man 30 years ago in our Bowen, Argentina crusade


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