This our 12th Basic Bible Training School in the former
USSR. Hundreds of men and women are now in the service of the Lord in ministry
throughout the former USSR as a result of the previous 11 training schools. We
thank God for what He has done in their lives and that God has used the schools
to help train and
prepared them for the harvest churches and the great
harvest of souls they are winning.
This present 3-month school is the
largest yet, with over 200 students. We are having some wonderful ministries
coming from USA, Canada, Holland, Ukraine and Japan to teach and share the best
of their ministries with these workers. To begin the first 2 weeks
of the school, Marge and I joined Brother Walter Zygarewicz, along with our
friends from Seattle, Pastors David and Irene Clark. They have been with us
previously in 9 or 10 countries for ministry during the many years that we have
known them. If you remember, David Clark has the title of 'God's Dentist.' They
did pray for hundreds of people in special meetings and for all the students.
God did many miracles! A student brought one young man to the school on a
wheelchair. Praise God, he pushed his own wheelchair home, healed
by the power of Jesus! We had special healing services, which resulted in the
even greater miracle and that is the
Hands laid on their hearts as they are led in the Sinner's Prayer by Tony Abram.
Salvation of many Ukrainians and Russians. During the 6 hours of teaching each
day, David Clark taught on 'Miracles Today and How to Put Them in Operation'
while Irene, his wife, taught on 'Spiritual Warfare.' Walter Zygarewicz taught
on 'Leadership.'
Marge taught on 'Women's Ministries' and 'Walking and Living in the Spirit,'
while I taught on 'How to Pray the Prayer of Faith' and 'Balance in the
Christian Life.' We believe in the ministry of these training schools and
because we do, we pledge $5000.00 from our ministry to help with the cost of it.
We see and know the results of the schools through the lives of these
students Praise God!
In the province of Kharkov, of the 107 new churches there, 104 of the pastors
have gone through the school. Praise God! When we first came to this area there
were only 2 churches and now there are 107 and that is only in one area. For
example, we visited two churches that wei planted when we were there only 3
months ago.
The churches were packed to overflowing and
one of these new churches has already
planted another church that has over 50 people. We also purchased 3 more
buildings, bringing a total of 46 buildings we have purchased in Russia, Ukraine
and Belarus. Praise God, they are all paid for except at this writing,
$10,000.00, which we believe God to supply.
The country had the most snow and
weather in more that 15 years and yet it did not hinder the school or David
Clark teaches at the crowds that came to the meetings. We believe this is the
hour the Training School! for the great harvest, not only for Ukraine, but also
for the whole
Irene Clark teaches the Word!
We believe the day of the Lord's return is closer than we think. This is
why Marge and I have dedicated out lives to the ministry of World Evangelism.
Please continue to pray for us. We want to be faithful till that last day.
Bless you!
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