Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume XXXIV No.10

For over 35 years, we have tried to do what Jesus said in: (Mark 16:15 KJV) And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

We do appreciate every one of you who have stood with us in faith and prayers.

May I request that you continue to pray and believe with us, especially for our health and strength.

As the years pass, our bodies need more and more strength.

We need to continue to receive His health if we are to keep up the pace.

We do try to slow down at times but the work is so great and the Macedonian Call so loud, we just keep going.

However, we must use wisdom. We cannot do it all ourselves. We do need your prayers and faith support to continue to take this Gospel to those needy areas of the world.

As you know much of our ministry has been directed toward the former USSR during the past years.. We have done so first as a directive from the Lord and second because for over 20 years we were taking the Gospel in behind the Iron Curtain under the strong arm of communism.

We had many trials of our faith and even arrested during those days. Now that we have had freedom we have tried to do all we can.

However, as you may well know the doors are closing. I wonder if it may close to foreigners after 7 years?? Seven is God’s number of completion.

Doors are closing to us and the restrictions are continuing to come. It is now coming from the religious section. I did not say Christian but religious.

We believe that the time is short and what we do, we must do quickly. Many of the doors that have been open are now being closed in the CIS. (The former USSR) Belorus is the worst and now with the new restrictions and the new law in Russia, it is making it more difficult for the newly planted churches.

On our last mission to Russia, and the Ukraine we planted 5 new churches, making a total of 58 we have planted in the former USSR. Many are doing wonderfully well and are multiplying, opening other churches themselves.

We are helping raise up ministers who will carry on the work even after we have left. They would like to have four schools running in 1998, two of them in Russia and two of them in the Ukraine. These three month training schools are like a basic training that soldiers receive in the army. The schools are like little factories turning out Soldiers of Faith going straight to the front lines of evangelism doing the work of God.

 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.  (Luke 10:2 KJV)

We have trained over 5,000 workers in the last 6 years through our Seminars and Schools of Evangelism. I trained them in Evangelism. They are needed.

In addition we have supplied four vans and one bus for helping carrying on the work of Evangelism.

We have helped with the purchased of more than 10 buildings for churches and two parsonages.

None of these have our name on it but have become part of God’s Work World Wide.

God bless you. On behalf of precious souls,
Tony & Marge
We love you.


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