Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!


This happened in the summer of 1963. That year Marge and I were preceding the Citywide Crusades of Missionary Evangelist T .L. Osborn.

We were holding rallies and services all over the UK. In the city of Nuneaton, near the city of Birmingham England, we were in a Crusade in a storefront Church.

We wondered what would God do in this endeavour to start a new church.

The small hall was fairly filled the first night. The Lord blessed and there was some healings but best of all about a half a dozen people came to receive Christ.

The second night the hall was full, the response was a little bigger almost a dozen people came and surrendered their lives to Christ.

That, of course, is the greatest miracle that can happen. When people are born again of the Spirit of God and open their hearts and receive Jesus Christ as their own personal saviour. That is the greatest miracle. You can go to heaven with a sick body but not with a sick soul.

Among those who came forward was an older woman who also came for healing.

She had arthritis and her one side, I believe, she was suffering from a partial stroke.

She asked, after I prayed, if I believed God could do anything for her. (Because God had taken the pain from her body.)

I said yes, that with God all things are possible. She said she wanted to be delivered from the spirit of wickedness.

So, in the Name of Jesus, I bound and charged the spirit to leave her and she said she was free.

She then asked me again if I believed that God can do anything for her?

Again I said yes. She asked me to pray for her one more time.

I did and then we closed the service.

Since that was the final night of the short Crusade, we left early the next morning for meetings in Cornwall.

A couple days later I had to phone Pastor Lloyd in Nuneaton.

When he answered, he said, "Tony Abram, where are you? Do you know what happened at the meeting that last night?"

I said, "Well, I know the Lord blessed."

He said, "Do you remember the woman that you prayed for with the spirit of wickedness?"

I said, " Yes."

He said, "Did you know that she was going blind and had no eyeball in her left eye?"

I said, "No."

He said, "Did you know she had a glass eye?"

I said, "No."

He said, "Hold on to the phone. When she woke up the next morning, she had not removed the glass eye the night before.  When she awoke she had an irritation in her eye socket. She took out the glass eye and she found she could see."

Overnight God had created a new eye.

To make it short, she, for years, traveled all over England, telling what Jesus had done for her.

Yes, the doctors had a answer for this. They said she had a third eye that had moved into place. This was their answer to the news media.

She spent over 20 years telling what Jesus did for her.

When the Bible tells us that Jesus healed the maimed and the halt, the maimed and the halt was referring to people who had parts of their body missing.

Do you remember when Jesus stood before the blind man, what did He do? He reached down and picked up some dust or soil and spit upon it. He made a paste and put it on the man's eyes and the man, after washing, was completely healed of his blindness.

I believe, because the Bible tells us in Genesis that we were made from the dust of the earth, when Jesus looked at the blind man , He saw something missing.

I believe, because He was there in the beginning and because all things were created by Him and for Him and exists because of Him, He saw what was missing and made what was missing from the dust of the Earth.

Our God specializes in things thought impossible. He is a miracle worker!

God bless you and yours.
On behalf of this generation,
Your friends in the service of Christ,
Tony and Marge Abram
Abundant Life Crusades
www.tonyabram.com  or www.abundantlifecrusades.com 


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