Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Soul-winning, Outreach Ministry in the Philippines!
Volume 61 #2

It is difficult to believe that 50 years ago after wonderful soul-winning ministry in India and Thailand, we arrived in the country of Philippines. .

We remember the happy, friendly and open to the Gospel people there. This was on our first mission trip that we met many of the leaders and some that we still know but many have gone on to their eternal reward.

It was on that first trip we met, from California, Arlie and Fanny Rogers who have been our dear friends ever since. Fanny, who was born in the Philippines was such a blessing as they traveled to some of our crusades and meetings at that time.

Over the years, we have helped build churches, open air and indoor crusades, supported workers, held conferences, helped put in water wells and supported Bible Schools and workers.

Our ministry at this time is helping support three Bible schools.


Photos top right to bottom:
Graduation class from one of the Bible Schools,
Young people from one of the churches,
Many young and old are being baptized,
a soul winning crusade held at one of the churches,
Below: Young people coming to Christ, filled with the Holy Sprit and healings

We like the saying, “Train and Remain.” The three Bible schools in the Philippines, not only train the workers in the Word and Work of a minister, but they remain there.

The problem with training workers in North America or Western Europe is that the student sees the living conditions and wishes to stay and not go back to their homeland. The workers being trained and taught in the three Bible Schools are staying in their homeland, winning the lost of their own country to Christ.

Photos starting on the top left to bottom are as follows:

- Elderly woman rejoices, never to old to be baptized,

- Young believers being baptized,

Below: Newly baptized, praising the Lord with Joy.

Top Right: church kneeling, giving their all to the Lord.

Top Left: teachers and the students that were graduating.

Bottom Left: graduating students kneeling and praying that God would use them for His Glory.



Over the years we have had Radio Ministry and Television Ministry to the people in the Philippines. We have helped in the buildings for churches and even to putting in a well. Our ministry also, with your help, has been able to help support soul winning workers. We have taught on Evangelism in the churches and schools. However, my favorite ministry has been the soul winning open air crusades.

Although, we have been on a number of islands in the Philippines, there are a total of 7,641 islands that make up the country of the Philippines but only about 2,000 are inhabited.

Over the years we have worked with the Bergman and Clark family. Although Pastor David Clark and Pastor Les Bergman are in heaven, their wives are in their 90’s and still active. Please pray for our outreaches in the Philippines.

Your fellow workers in God’s Vineyard of the World,
Tony and Marge Abram 

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