Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

More than 64 Years of Ministry
Mass Crusades, Planting Churches, Supporting National Workers, Supplying Bibles,
Feeding the Poor and helping Bible Schools and Orphanages.
50 years in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Nepal!

Volume 61 #4

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. - Matthew 25:40 KJV


We are featuring India and Nepal in this month’s Good News Report.

We could also include past ministry in Pakistan, Thailand and other countries in Asia but space with not allow us to do so.

<- We begin with a recent photo of Marge and me.

<- Photo 2 Left: A new church plant in the slums of Delhi, India.




<- Photo 3 Left: Starting hours early for a church service and to get a ration of food to take with them.

Photo 4 above:
A worker praying over Bibles that will be given to new believers.

Photo 5 above:
Many have and are being baptized. In Nepal, it is against the law
to do so. They must do their baptism in secret locations

We have provided thousands of Bibles and New Testaments in India and Nepal.
In addition, thousands of books and literature, some of which I have written

In the photo to the right are precious children. We are helping a number of orphanages in Asia.

We have a number of projects.

That is why your prayers are so necessary and your standing in faith and partnership with us.


Helping to Mobilize Soul winners, Church Planters and Native Ministers
with Bikes in India, Nepal and Africa.

Through the many years of our ministry we have seen the need for transportation in many mission fields.

The bicycle has been the most suitable transport we can provide for the National Ministers and Workers.

Most of the ones we have provided, have been like a westerner receiving a new car or van.

They are so appreciative as this opens the door to more ministry destinations.


In the top left photo are the general type of bikes we provide the workers.

In the middle left photo we see African workers happy with their new bikes.

In the bottom left photo a bike costs about $100USD, varying from country to country.



In the left photo, this worker is loaded with Bibles and tracts as he will, no doubt, be going to the bush country to evangelize.


In the right photo,
this man looks very interested in the message he is reading.

It looks like the Worker is ready to explain it to him
and try to win him to Jesus.

In the photos to the right and below,
you can see the young and old in the ministry
to the slum peoples of several cities of India.

India, though it has come a long way from the caste system,
yet has millions of people who are called the slum people.

They are very poor and live in the large slum area of their huge cities.

India has the largest population in the world with
1 billion, 440 million people!

Please pray for our outreaches. We are praying for you. God richly bless you and yours.

Tony and Marge Abram 

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