Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 62 years!

Volume 60 #8

It is a great joy to share news of some outreaches these last couple months, just in the two countries of Nepal and India.

Praise God, the ministry God has given us to do also is helping in soul winning in 5 of the 6 continents of the world.

This is because of churches, ministries and people like you.

First we will mention a little about the photos in this month’s Good News report.

Photo one above is a crusade from India

Photo two above is a sign of the Bible Training Center.

You will note that the name they chose was Abundant Life because we have supported and are still supporting a number of church planting pastors.

In Photo three above are students in class

Photo four you can see the screen with me teaching the Word.

However, while it is 7AM for the students, it is 11PM here when the class begins as they are on the opposite side of the world.

It is amazing how I can sit teaching in North America while my class and interpreter are on the other side of this world.

It is wonderful as I have preached in meetings, taught in Bible schools and churches in far away countries via zoom.

Also, I receive invitations to many places. The world has changed so much in our lifetime.

We have, via Zoom, worked with Walter and Nina Zygarwicz of Global Vision Ministries. Their Zoom internet broadcasts with all their different platforms can reach the whole world.

When we fill in as host or guests, it is possible that every one can see and hear the Word of God.

In addition, we have our own programs and an Internet channel on YouTube, also www.tonyabram.com  and www.abundantlifecrusades.com which our friend Tom in Calgary, Alberta, Canada makes possible for us to reach the world with the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.-



Photo left: One of the pastors we have helped to evangelize is with his congregation in a town in Nepal where he has planted this local church.

(Nepal is a country with the world’s highest mountain, Mount Everest. Nepal borders the countries of India and China.)

In photos two and three above are two new church plants just over the border from Nepal.

Photo four left:
Here is a photo of some new believers in Nepal following the Lord in water baptism.

This is quite a step as Nepal is 81% Hindu and India is 76%.

China persecutes all religions. We believe that Nepal is a key location, to not only reach their own country, but also to reach the two largest populated countries with over one billion each, (1,000,000,000 people)

 Mark 16:15 And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. 20: And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.

This is why we are training and supporting so many workers in Nepal and India, as in these three countries over half of the world’s population live.

What a harvest field and it is ripe for harvest. We are doing what we can because people like you are making it possible in giving, praying and standing with us in faith.

We know that, as the four men carried their sick friend to Jesus, Jesus saw their faith, that as you pray in faith for us you are carrying us to continue the Work of God. This also makes us workers together with Christ.

Last of all, in the bottom photos, are four workers in our Bible School in Nepal where we are helping by teaching and supporting.
Marge and I would ask you to lay your hands on the photos and pray for them.

Perhaps also at the same time, pray for all the students and workers we are helping support in Asia,
Africa, Eastern Europe, Central and South America.

It is because of folks like you that are standing with us in faith, prayer and support, that our ministry is able to do this.

You are helping win the lost to Christ. God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

Your forever friends
Tony and Marge Abram 

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