Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 59 #3

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us,
to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen.
-Ephesians 20-21.

It is a joy each month to share with you, our ministry partner and reader, our Good News report.

In this month’s Good News report we are sharing the purchase of bikes for workers in Kenya, Africa, Nepal and teaching ministry in Bible Schools and churches in Russia, Ukraine and Nepal via Zoom on the Internet.

It is continually being available on YouTube now and for posterity.

In these surrounding photos, starting with the bottom right, Marge and I are receiving gifts.

In the top left and below photos you can see Walter Zygarewicz introducing me for the teaching service via Zoom in Nepal.

Below: Tom McLaughlin is filling in for Walter as host and working with me for our service in NEPAL.


In the below left photo there are bikes for Kenya, Africa.

In the bottom right photo is the start of a new building we are helping build for an orphanage in Kenya, Central Africa.

We’ve purchased these bikes in Kenya for prison missionaries and in Malawi for village preachers at bargain prices.

Thank you for your sacrifice and support for such a project as this and the other projects God has given us.

Some of the bikes we have been able to purchase in India, Africa and Nepal for workers.

I have said this before but the gift of a bike is how we would feel if someone would give us a new car.

Many of the workers we support walk many miles to reach their preaching points where they are winning souls and planting new churches.

We, in the West, do not appreciate how much we have.

It is so wonderful to give these tools to these precious men and women of God.


In the left and bottom photos, an orphanage building which we have taken on the construction of a center for them will help to deal urgently with the problems of those who have experienced sexual violence.

They have a large property in Kakamega, Kenya, Africa and there will be several buildings housing orphans, rescuing street kids, and others.

Here are pictures of one of the buildings going up, similar to the the one that will go up for the abused girls.

They had enough for the foundation of the girls building but lack US $7,500.00 for the completion.

We will assist them with this.

Please pray for them.

We try to be good stewards of all God calls us to do.

Matthew 25:40 And the King shall answer and said unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Our ministry is involved in helping more than 20 orphanages in many countries. Praise God!

As you stand in prayer and faith with us, we are doing this for the Glory of God! God bless you and yours.

Continue to pray for us and all our soul winning outreaches.

Your Fellow Workers,

Tony & Marge Abram.

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