Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Volume 57 #6

Colossians 4:3 - Withal praying also for us, that God would open unto us a door of utterance, to speak the mystery of Christ, for which I am also in bonds:

At the same time pray for us, too, that God will open a door [of opportunity] to us for the Word, to proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I have been imprisoned. (Amplified Bible)

We are very exited to share with you, that a new open door of ministry has opened for us which will enable us to teach in Bible Colleges and Bibles Schools via Zoom to almost any place in the world.

To us this is the greatest opportunity since we were covering the world via shortwave radio some years ago.

Evangelist Walter Zygarewicz was contacted. He called me and we were presented with a tremendous opportunity to train pastors in Nepal by Ken Hart from the United Kingdom. He has been teaching and ministering there for 14 years.

Some years ago in Ukraine or Russia I introduced Ken to Evangelist Harley Fiddler and his Bible College in India. (Our ministry has been supporting the college for many years) There he met on a missionary trip one of our students from Nepal.

This was how Brother Hart ended up with his work as a missionary, we came up with a plan to do an Online School of Ministry.

A plan was set up via Zoom so teachers could teach from home with a live translator in Nepal, challenging, as our time difference with Nepal is 12 hours and 45 minutes

Pastor Deepak, Pastor Kishan, and Tony on Zoom all in three different locations,

Tony & Marge Abram

Walter introducing Evangelist Tony Abram, with Pastor Kishan translating.

Tony getting ready to teach

Walter getting ready to teach on
Leadership to Pastors in Nepal

The past couple of weeks I have done 22 sessions teaching lessons on my two favorite subjects, Evangelism and Discipleship. I am able to teach hundreds of workers from Nepal on soul winning. Please pray for our ministry to these precious people.

We are recording these sessions and uploading them to the Abundant Life Crusades YouTube channel for the pastors in Nepal to watch in workshops organized by Pastor Deepak (he trained for 3 years and graduated from our Bible College in India years ago.) who at his graduation we laid hands on for his ministry in Nepal and in distant areas.

The plan is, to do this, not only for Nepal but for Ukrainian, Russian, Spanish, Romanian languages and other parts of the world are expected. Walter has been contacted about doing this in Hindi for India.

Christians in Nepal worshiping Jesus Christ

People are on lockdown everywhere. What an opportunity to reach them using this technology. This is exciting!  This is a powerful tool to reach people in far away towns and villages in the Himalayan Mountains and valleys. The roads are poor and it is difficult to reach many places.

Pastor Kishan and his wife

Walter and Nina, founders of
Global Vision Ministries

Missionaries are restricted and can get three years in prison for evangelizing there. We can reach and teach the people in Nepal from our homes.

Please pray for each of the teachers and translators. Pray that many will be reached by this teaching. Pray for the local pastors and evangelists. This plan will not only reach pastors and students but will reach thousands, helping evangelize Nepal.

One more benefit is that the cost of this new ministry is much, much less. Nepal, a landlocked country between India and China, is known for its mountain peaks.

The small country contains eight of the ten highest peaks in the world, including Mount Everest and Kanchenjunga, the world's tallest and third tallest respectively. The Highest Mountains on Earth and the Deepest Canyons on Earth.

Nepal, the country of Asia, lies along the southern slopes of the Himalayan mountain ranges. It is a landlocked country located between India to the east, south, and west and Tibet and China to the north. One-quarter of the population falls below the poverty line and over 25% of those living in Nepal are considered impoverished.

However, God’s law says to go into all the world and preach the Gospel.

Pray for Nepal and for us and our outreaches.


We want God to raise up many soul winners.

(Photo bottom right: Tom and Bev McLaughlin, our computer guy. He has been such a blessing taking care of our web site and helping set up Zoom, etc. and his wife is such a dear. Special thanks to Tom in Alberta, Canada, who has spent countless hours processing the recordings and uploading to YouTube.)

God bless you and yours is our daily prayer.

Your missionary Evangelists Tony and Marge Abram.

Tony & Marge Abram

This is me getting ready
for another session

Tom & Bev McLaughlin

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