Abundant Life Crusades
Tony and Marge Abram have been sharing God's Good News for over 64 years!

Report: reaching Africa and India!
Volume 57 #11

What a great joy to be able to report good news in a troubled world about some of the outreaches of the ministry of Abundant Life Crusades.

In the photos on this page. You can see, first, some of the food given to help the poor and hungry of Central Africa.

Matthew 25:35a (NIV) For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink...

It is much easier to preach to people that have something in their stomachs than it is to people that are starving.

Some of the National Ministers we are helping have shared a recent outreach. Here is a sample of one of their reports. They distributed 10,000 Gospel tracts, 500 New Testaments and 100 Bibles.

They went to 27 different villages and preached the Gospel. In each of the 27 villages more than 100 people heard the Gospel, They had 430 Salvation decisions and more that 550 people showed interest in knowing more about Christ's Salvation.

They are doing solid follow-up to win these people to Christ. They also gave these new souls, won to Christ, and those who were interested, tracts, Bibles and New Testaments.

Photos left and bottom are two newly planted churches.

We do not keep count on how many churches we have planted outside the former USSR where we purchased or helped build almost 200 buildings. We are workers together.

Photo above, some years ago in Ghana, West Africa where they made me an honorary chief, wearing Chieftain clothes. I am a honorary chief of a tribe also in Nigeria, West Africa.



The vision and work of the ministry God gave us will be 58 years on the 20th of November which is also our 58th anniversary.

Photo right is a photo of us in Indian clothes when we were in crusades there.

In the photos on this page, we share photos of Indian Workers, some of which our ministry supports. Although we are helping some lepers with food, the greatest joy for us is to see people receiving the bread from heaven, the Word of God.

The Word of God is like seed that can be planted in the hearts of people that will produce the Living Word which is our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is He that can change lives, taking people out of darkness into the glorious light of the Kingdom of God.

One of our outreaches to India this year was the thousands of Bibles and New Testaments we purchased and were distributed in India.

Helping support workers has also been very important, taking the Gospel home to home, plus planting churches is an important outreach for our ministry to India.

However, though we do not mention it often, we are helping Evangelist Harley Fiddler of Focus Ministries in supporting a three year Bible College in Southern India with at least one thousand dollars per month for many years.

What a great joy, to see, year after year, a graduating class going out winning souls and planting new churches in unreached areas.

We want to thank every church and person who has prayed, helped and stood in faith for this ministry God has given us.

Please continue to pray for us.

God bless you and yours.

Tony & Marge Abram

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